Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

2Z TbeDo rine o fMortificatiotr; outward ac ionsof finne, but from the thought ofthe ; forMortification is a flay ingoftheevill difpo- fitionoftheheart, afwellas the flayingoftheac`lìons ofthebody Mortification is firft inward, and then It is Rot e- outward : Hence we gather this point, That it is not nough toab. futlicient for a man to abflaine from the actions itathe Faction, offinne but he muff abflaine from fine inhis heart, in the action, but it mutt be ifhee wouldprove his Mortification tobe true: 2 Pet, in the beats. 2.14. TheApoflle faith, that their eyes were fullef t. a?dterie : Now luft is not in theeye, butin the heart but by this he fhewes, that itis the fulneffeof finne in the heart,that fills theeyes; therefore lookeunto the heart, forthe actions arebut the branches, buttheroot is in the heart ; that is, whatfoever evil' action is in the hand, it hath its firfl breeding in theheart if there. foreyouwould remove the effet, you muff firft re. move thecaufe : Now thecaufe, ifit bring forth ane. vill effect, is thegreaterevill ; as thecaufeofgood is greater than the effeó it produceth : even fo the finne oftheheart, becaufe it is thecaufe ofevill afìions, is greater thantheevils that itproduceth.Then thinknot withyou felves,that ifyouabftainefrom the outward groffeactions offinne, that finne is mortified in you ; but goe fir1l unto the Caufe, and fee whether thate- vili difpofitionoftheheartbe mortified,whetherthere beewrought in you anew difpofition to good, anda witheringofallinordinateaffeclions. But youwill fayuntomee, OurSaviour faith, that Obiett m Everyminfballbe lodgedby hisworkes : and the Apo- filefaith, that Everyman ¡WI receive accordilog to the worker done in the bodie by which it appears, that a man (hall notbee judgedby the thoughtsofhis heart, but byhis ations. To