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TheDoableo fMortifa"cdtion,, 41; proceedfromthe right root ; forfpirituall joy that mortifies fin,arifethFromanaffurance ofremii`fion of fins ; but thisarifeth from forceother finifter refpea, orelfefor feareofhell. Now that fpirituall joy mor- tifies finne, the Wife-man proves, Pray. 2. io. compa- Pre,s®to. redwith the 16. verfe, When W(dome entreth /mothy heartlandKnowledgeis pleafant to tbyfotde,&c.itjhallkeep theefrogsthe Jlrange vomm. When YY fdimeentrethints thy heart; thatis, when the Spirit enlightens thymind to fee, grace and knowledge is pleafant unto thee; when thoudoefi rejoyce in theknowledge ofChrift, andgracesofthe Spirit, then it Mall keepe thee from the íirange woman ; ;hat is, from inordinateaffehi- ons, whichotherwife wouldbring thee todet}rui- on. Thus you fee that fpirituall joy is an excellent meanes to Mortification.' The feventhmeanes, ifyouwouldhaveyour finites i mortified, is, Humbleneffe ofminde : this is an excel- Meane:, lentmeans to Mortification ; for when the heart is H "Ili 7° proud,itwill notyeeld ; that is it is unfit förgrace .; for there is nothing focontrary unto thenature ofthe Spirit,as a. proudheart and therefore the Apofile faith, i Pet .5.5. Godrefihteth theproud, but he givesgrace I Pam,. 4 to thehumble. flee refilteth the proud; that is, heeBoth stand inoppofition againft him as onemolt contrary unto him ; he rejeaeth his prayers andhisaóions,be- caufe they,proceed from aproud heart : but he gives graceunto the humble ; that is, thehumble heart is fit toreceivegrace, therefore hee (hall haveeverygrace Huiìzbrennfïe necefïarytofaivatton, asFaith, Repentance, Mortifi- oE:ninde, cation, Peace of Confcience, and Remiffionoff panes ;'hat it is. Now this hurnbleneffe ofminde is a bafe eftee .ping of G a: mans