Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Ezck,3 G;16 Dac`fr, v The DoiríneofMortification. amans felfe in an acknowledgementof his unworthia neffe to receive any grace with an high efleemc of Gods love;which indeedmay feeme to be contrary to fpirituall joy,but it is not fo;for the more humbleany manor woman is, tke more fpirituall joy they have : itisincreafed by humility, it is decreafed by pride; thehumble heart is alwayes the joyfülleft heart; for the more grace the morehumbleneffe, and themore humility the more fpirituall joy, for where there is a, want ofgrace theremull needs bee a want offpirituall joy. Nowdejection and humility are of a contrary nature ; a man maybee cafl downe, , and yet not bee bumble; hurnbleneffeof mindeis more inward than outward, but the other maybee outward but not in- ward; thereforeifyou wouldhave your finnesmorti- fied,get anhumbleheart, forit is laid, P f elm. 34.. 18. TheLordis nigh tmto them that are of a broken heart : a brokenheart is anhumble heart : and, Ezek.36.26. A new heart, anda newfpiritrvi/I Igive yoii : that is, when I have throughly humbledyou,and cleanfedyou from your rebellioufheffe againfl mee, then I will doe this and this for you : well then, labour for humbleneffe ofmind,ifyou oga wouldhaveyour finnesmortified.Thus much oftheword, Mortfe. Weenow'come to athird poynt, and that is, what are thofe thingsthat are to bee mortified r and thefe the Apoi}lecalls ingenerali, earthymembers : Hence we note, That aflearthliemembers 'vetobemortfed. For thebetter explaining of this poynt, weewill firíl fpeakeofthe generali, and thenofthe particulars but fira of all, becaufethe words are hard, weewill thew