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in Continuance SINNE DANGERo Y-L. EPHES2®VERSe" Wherin in timespajl yewalked according to the courre ofthis world,according to thePrinceofthepowerof the aire, the f iris that now ruleth in the children ofdifobedience,¿c Fter the ,Apoi le had proved thefe Ephefians, to whom hee writes, tobedeadsir trefpaffes and finnes ; here in thenext verfe bee proceeds to coxfirme his Dordrine,by proving them to bedead men from the fignes ofdeath, which are three : That they walked: r According to thecourfeoftheworld : 2 According to thePrince o f the aire 3 in the lulls ofthefiefb. Thefe