Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Se CootiurâneeWinne Thereare theguidesby whom theywere led, the world, the flefh and thedivell: where fuch guides leadaman, hee is like to runne agood courte. Now the pointofDoctrine thatarifeth from the firff ofthere, is `Dot7r. i Thatwhofoever walketh in anycoure o anne, isa deadman, andthe childofwrathy that isfthere be anyruling Iuft in aman, fo that heefoilowes ir, and it commandeth him, thatman is in the efface ofcondemnation. Doctrine This isplaine, Rom .8.1. There is nocondem. prooved by nation tothofewhichare incbrlIefus,whowalkenot scripture. after thefte(h, but after the f iris. If there be no condemnation to thofe which walke after the fpirit; thencertainely there is condemnation to thofe which walkeafter the flefh : So like. wife, Rom.6. i4. Sinbathno dominionoveryou,for you arenot under the law, butundergrace ; that is,if finhathbutdominion over:you, thenwere you in the eftate cdeath : if but any lull hath do. minionover you, fo that you muff yeeld obedi- ence to it, you arenot in theeffaceofgrace,but ofdamnation : and thereafon hereofis vert. becaufe,you are thefervants offinne, (forhis f r- evantsyouarewhom you obey.) Suppofe you have butanyone predominant finne, it isenough to damme thee. There arefome thatcan deny the finofIuffs, but for to leave their company, that theycannot doe : Againe,fome can leave their company, but bynomeanes will partwith the finne