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7heDoctrineof Mortification 47 may grow remiffe after the things ofthis world, and fobenot all foviolently carried away after covetouf neife,andyet not be removed. Thirdly, hemay come tofee holineffe in the chil- dren of God, and thereupon bee wonderfullyaffeeced with it, iníomich that he may wiíh himfelfethe like naymore, hemay wonderat their holineffe,and bee a .foniíhedwith anadmiration thereof,as one overcome ofit, andyet not be renewed. Fourthly, he may come to fee into theattributes of 4 God, both thecommunicableAttributes which are communicated to the Creatures, as Juffice, Mercie, Righteoufneffe, Patience, and the like ; and allo thofe that are not communicable, but effentially proper to God, as Omnipotencie, Omniprefence, and the like ; and hereuponhee mayacknowledge God to bee fuch an oneas thofe declareof,or elfeas he hath made him- felfe knowne inhis Word: as we feeinNebuchbtdnezar, Dan.4.34. andyet be not renewed. Dan,4.34, Fifthly, he may feele thefweetneffe ofthepromi- fes,ofremiffion offinnes, j uftification, and reconcilia- tion, and rej oyce in them, as Herodheard rohn gladly, Zt2;ark.6.2o. that is, he was glad to heare rohn.preach btar,6, :a, repentance and remiílionoffinnes, hee felt fweetneffe in this ; fo hee was content to heare that it was not lawfull for him to have hisbrothers wife, but he was not content to obey ; in like manner, any manor wo- manmay finde fweetneffe in the prornifès,andyet not be renewed. Sixthly, hee maybeleeve the refurreetion to life, 6 andhereupon rejoyee after it, becaufe bee beleeves there is a reward laid up for the righteous with Chrifi, and