Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The orderof = the faculties of the foule, 49 TheDoétrineofMortifrcdt on: and may delire tobee made partaker of . it with them, andyet not be. renewed : Forif you looke intothis man, noneof all thefehave the fìrft feat inhis heart, but they are,as itwere, ina fecond roome, or clofet ; forearthlie things have the fiat andprincipali feat in hisheart, buttrefecorne inafter as handmaidsor fer- vants unto the other, and therefore have no fpirituall tail to him. To make this plaine, let us confider the orderof thefaculties ofthe foule : the mindeis the principali facultie, and this rules the will and affe. ions : now themindebeingearthly difpofed, thewilland affecti.. ons cango no further then themimic guides them every facultiebathan appetite, and the fouleofamin hathanunderítandingwhichgoverns ; now looke whatthemimicofaman loves orhates, that the will wils,or wils not ; for the will isbut theappetite that followes the understanding. Againe, every facultie in man bath a fenfe, andby that it is drawne toaffe1 that which it chufeth, for the delre followes thefenfe ; andas it iswithone facultie fo it is with all theother ofthefaculties ; for the faculties fuit all after the fen- tes, and affeetthat which the minde affefs.:.and thus the will and affectionshanging upon the minde, it is unpoífible thatthe will ofaman shouldwill and affe.`- any other thing then that whichthe minde is affeefied with. ' But hereTome Queftións maybemoved : the firf Qeftion is this; But is there filch light in theunder- h andingas youfay, then it feemes that anaturali man may by the light of nature come unto truc know- lcdge. To