Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDoetrine of .Ñlorti at:Jn; 63 have been inftruc`ted,& have made choyce ofthis,and thereforearènow unwillingto repent oftheirearthly anindedneffe, left they fhould be reputed remiffe and weake in their judgements;& therfore now theywill not change their eftateswhich theyhave Iived fo long in. But howfoever it is hard for aman to draw mea out of their fwinifhcondition, yet it is aneafaer worke if God will be the inflruEter, if heedoe put his Spi- rit into the heart, it will eafilyexpell the workes ofthedivedl, thofe ilrong holds that Satanhath in the heart: Nov the reaIons that make men minds earthly obieEtjrns °E earthy caix- things, to fticke fo faft unto them,are thofe : Firft,be- dedneffe an. caufe earthly thingsare prefent. To this may bee re- fwered. replyed, It is true, earthly things are not at allto Okzrfi. r. coFne,for that whichwe have is prefent; thofe things of theworldwhich wee enjoyandhave inpof%dìon, . areprefent,as riches, honour, and the like : yet there areother things thatare prefent which areofa higher nature, whichwe ought to fet our hearts upon, ifwe will be leadbyprefe,ts; for Joy in the holy Ghoí is prefent, and Juaiffcation is prefent, andRegeneration is prefent, Remiffionof fumes is prefent, Reconcilia- tion is prefent ; and you will fay that thole are farrr better thanthe things ofthis world: But fay that thofe were not prefent but tocome, yet weaccount it apart ofwifdorne topart witha thingprefent thatis offr-nal account,for hopeofabetter afterwards; who is there that will not part with a finalthing prefent,uponcon- ditionofenjoyingofagreater afterwards' the world and the things oftheworldare nothing in comparifon ofgraceand.falvation therefore what if thou for- fake