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16 64 TheDoiirineofMort;/fc4tion: fake all thefe things, upon condition you¡hall get e_ Difference ternall life forthem hereafter. For this is the diffe- between na- rence betweene reafon andfenfe ; Nature is carried turnand fenfe away by fenfe, it delights'inthat whichit feeles, now fenfe is prefent ; but reafon goes accordingto judge- ment, and refis upon hope : thereforeletthe children of Godufe their fpirituall reafon in the forbearingof prefent worldlydelights, inhope of enjoyingof bet- ter things ; and takeheed offenfe, beenot led away byit, for it is ufually a great means todraw our heart andof e ionsfromgrace to earthly things. Luk. 15.23. the richgluttonwhen hee was in torment, had Luk.iy. 23. this anfwerfromAbraham, Some, remember that thou' in thylifetimebadiee thy pleafure 3 that is, thouhadftit then when it was not a time for pleafure ; thouwaft led a- wayby fenfe,andnow thoumuffbe punifhed. TheA- Jam S poftle,Iam.5.5.pronounceth a woeupon richmen,be- eaufeyou receivedyour confolationhere;that is,youhave re- ceived plefure in awrôgplacefor the earth isno place for true pleafure; therefore you have receivedyour confolation:youcan expednoother pleafureherafter, for youhave f ought true content whereit is not ; ther -. forewoeunto you. Aman that minds earthly things Simi& is like aman that bath a great grafpe, which cannot holdany thing more, except he let fill that whichhe hath : earthly mindedmen, theyhave theirhearts full of earthly things and pleafure, andtherefore it is not potible that they fhould gripe Chrift & grace,except they let fall thatg ipe that they have alreadyofearrh- ly things : Therfore this is a falle reafon that men doe objet. ®ditl, The fecandobjedhoa is,becaufeearthly things are fenfibly.