Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDoólnine elfMortificatiolii 65 fallibly felt, and in things that are fenfibly felt,there is fwecrnc fe 5 but as for otherthings, theyare onely conceivedby theimagination, as grace andother fpi-.. rituali things. To this Ianfwer, men inthis are exceedinglyde. ceived ; for ifthe leffer facultybe fenfible, then much more thegreater faculties ; andiftheinferiour part of the foulebatha íenfible talle, then certainly the fupe- riour part of the foule is themore fenfiblepart ; for thegreater facultieshave the greater fenfe, and as they are larger fo they growdeeper. Toexplaine this,take amanthat kath an Aided confcience, as theconfci. ence is thegreatestfaculty, foit bath thegreatefl fenfe in it; for what it apprehendsit is prcfently fenfibleof, whether it bejoy or forrow. Now in thematter offenfebetween the fuperiour A threefold and inferiourfaculties the Schoolemenmake a three- fold difference in tie e:M of difference. First, fay they, that fenfewhich the fenfe,between underftanding or mindbath, is permanent, it iafls for the fuperiwizr and inferious ever, becaufe the things themfelves arepermanent ; faculties. it feeles Grace, J :flìfication, Remifiion of finnes, it I. feeles God, and thrift, and the Spirit ; but the fenfe ofthe other faculties vanifheth and paffethaway : As a manthat bath for theprefent tailed aSermon well, and another bath taileda goodworke,or a good turne done, which in timeare forgotten ; the remembrance ofthem laits not for ever. Secondly, thefe naturali fenfes arebut for the prefent ; that which you now talle is prefent, that which you tasted before is gone , this isthenatureof theft faculties; but itis not thus with the underib.nding. Thirdly, r_hefe f nies lean through defect and wearìnetlê ; a manwill bee weary K with