Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

So l TheStability ofChris mgdome, VE RS E I. 14.5. Infe magna ru- unt, heels bunc ?lumina rebus cecfiendipolke- re modam. Lucan. fuch a Decree is the Kingdome of Heaven eflabliflied. Oncehave 1iworne by my Holineffe that !willow lye un- to David, faith the Lord, P141.89.35. Once, that notes the confiancie and fixednefleof Gods promife; Bye" Holineffe, that notes the inviolableneffe ofhis promife; as ifhe fhouldhave Paid, Let me no longer be efieemed an Holy God than I keepe immutably that Covenant which I have fvvorneunto David inmy truth. Secondly, thefreegift of Godunto his Sonne Chrif, whereby he committed all power and judgement unto him. And Power is a tirong argumentto prove-the Sta- bility ofa kingdome, efpecially if it bee on either fide fupported with wifedome and righteoufneffe , as the power of Chaff is : And therefore fromhis power hee argues for the perpecuitie of his Churchsto the end of the world, All power isgivenmee in heaven andearth; Gee yee therefore andpreach the gold to all nation; ' and Ice I am with you alwayes to the end of the world, c.Matth.28. 18-2o. And the argument is very thong and emphaticall, for though kingdomes ofgreat power havebeene and may be fubdued, yet the rcafon is, be- caufe much power hath fill remained in the adverfe fide ; or if theyhave beene too vail for any fmaller peo- ple to root out, yet having not either wifdome enough to aauate fohuge a frame, or righteoufneffe to prevent orpurge out thole vitisms humours ofemulation, fedi- fion, luxury, injuflice, violence and impietie, which like frongdifeafes in a body, are in fates the preparations and ferninaries of mortalitie, they have funke under their owne weight, and beene inwardly corrupted by their ownevices. But now firfl, the power of Chrift in his Church is univerfall, there is in him all power and no weakneffe, no power without himor againfi him; and therefore nowonder if froma fulnetfeofpower in him, and an emptineffe in his enemies, the argument ofcon- tinuance in his kingdome cloth infallibly follow ; for what