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ITheStabilio ofarifisKjngdome. VER S H r. what man, if hee were furniIhed with all fufficiencie, would Puffer hirrifelfe to be mutilated and difinembred, as Chrift fhould, if any thing fhould prevaile againft the Church,which is his fulneffe. Again; this power of Chrift is fupported with ustrelorne, it can nevermifcarry for any inward defea, for thewifdome is proportiona- ble to thepower ; this, All power, and that, 411 the trea- fteresofwifdome; Powerable by weakneffe to confound the things which are mighty, and wifdome able by foo- lifhneffe to bring to nought the underfianding of the prudent; and both there are upheld by righteoufneffe, which is indeed the very foule and finewesof a king- dome, upon which the thrones of Princes are efiabli- fhed, and which the Apotile makes the ground of the perpetuitieofChriftskingdome, Thy throne, 0 Gad, a for everandever, eticepter ofthteouperfea thefcepter of thykiAgdome, Heir. .8. Thirdly, the quality ofChrifis kingdome is to be a Growingkingdome, though the originals thereofbe but like agraineof nsuftard- feed, or like Eihihs cloud toa humane viewdefpicable, and alrnoti below the proba- bilities of fubfiftence, the obje&rather of derifion than of terrour to the world; yet at lafl it groweth into a wideneffe, which maketh it as catholike as the world. And therefore that which the Prophet 'David fpeakes ofthe Sunne, the Apoftle applies to the Gofpell, Rom. to T 8. to note that the Circle of the Gofpell is like that ofthe Sunne, univerfall to the whole world. It is fuck a kingdome as groweth into other kingdomes, and eats them out. The little alone inArebuchadvezzars lion (which was theKingdome ofChrift, for fo Ierufa- lem is called a florae, Zech. T 2. 3.) brake in peeces the great Monarchiesof theearth, and grewup into a great mountainwhich filled the world, Dan. 2. 34, 35. for the kingdomesofthe earth mutt become thekingdomes ofthe Lord, andofhisChrifl, Revel. . 15. Therefore G the