Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

The StabilityofChasKingdome. dude all thefamous Churchesofthe world betides from having any communion with Chritl the Head. That kornefull expoflulation which Harding makes with that renowned and incomparable Wimp (under whole hand hee was no more able to fubfifl, than a whelpe under the paw of a Lion) (hall wee now change the long of 1ichea4 the Prophet, Out of Sion fhall come the Law, and the Word of the Lord from lerufalein ; and ling anew long, out ofWittenberg is come the Go- fpell, and the Word of the Lord from Zurich and Ge- neva ? may moll truely and pertinently be retorted up- onhimfelfe andhis fa&ion, who boldly curie and a ex- clude all thole Chriaian Churches from the body of Chria, and the hopeof falvation, who will not receive lawes fromRome, nor efleeme the Cathedrall determi- nationsof that Bifhop(though haply in himfelfe an im- pure,diabolicall and intolerablebeaft, as by their owne confeffions many of themhave beene ) to be notvvith- flanding the infallibleEdiasofthe Spirit ofGod,and as undoubtedly the Word of Chrifl, as ifS. Peteror Saint Paul had fpoken it, ; an arrogancie than which there is fcarce any more expreffe and charaeteriflicall notes to difcerne Antichrift is true that Chrifis regal power doth alwaies Phew forth it felfe inupholding his Catho- like Church, and inrevealing unto it out of his facred ' Word fuch neceffary truths as are abfolutely requifice unto itsbeing and falvation ; but to binde thispower of Chrift to oneman, and to one See, (as if like the Pope he were infallible only in S. Peterschaire ) is the meere figment ofpride and ambitionwithout any ground at all, railed out of a heape and aggregation of monOraus prefumptions ofhumaneand Tome moll difputable, !o- thers mofi falfeconceits, of which though there benot thekaft velligiis in facred Scriptures,yct mull theybe all fitOwreffed in for indubitace principles,and laid for lure foundations before the firfl .Hone of Papall authoritie G 2 can 83 VERSE 1. B. Jewels De- fence of the A- po!ogie, part 4. page 360. a [dem d Roma- nopontifice di vidi,qmod ab univerfa Ecck- fia feparari ,Ba- A.44. §.I00. b crantKitain Metropold.c.c.i . in Bonifacio 6. Stephano6. beodoro, Cbri- flopboroJoanne I a. Sylvefiro Sigon. de Keg lib.7. /lane 964. Guicciard. de ?Ilex.6.lib. Hill. 1.Pag.3,4. Pet. Benabiks de eerie/21in Hifi, Venet. lib.6. PlatinainChri- fiopkero 'Joan. 23. Sylvejtro 2. &c. Vid. Mormenin deEcciefia,ca.9. Reyna confir. 5. B. Carleton of Jurifdi1. cap.7. B. Vfher de flatu Ecclefix, cap.3,44.