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The'?over oftheWell. 0....11.1.1Y Firfl, the words of the Gofpell with the_fpirit it full of power andflreugth. No man will denie that Chria in his owne perfon is full of power. And as the power of a Prince is principally feene in his lavves, edias, pardons, and gratious patents : fo is the power of Chrift won- derfully magnified towards the Church in his Gofpell, which unto us is both a Covenant ofmercy, and a Law ofobedience. We may obferve howChria is frequent- ly pleafed to honor his Gofpell with his owne titles and attributes. And therefore the Apoffle fpeakes of him andhis word, as ofone and the famething. theword of God isquickeandpowering-- a difcerner ofthe thoughts and intents of the heart, neither is there any Creature which is not manifea inhisfight,but all th ings are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whomwt have to doe. That which is the word in one verfe is Chriahimfelfe in another, which hath given occafion to fome learned men (without any conflraining reafon (as I conceive) to take the Word there for the effentiall Word ofGod, or the perfon of Chrifi himfelfe, to whom I thinke that appellation is not gives byanyofthe facredWriters,but onelyby his beloved Difciple Saint tokiv.Weknow that Chriawas crucified at Jerufalem and yet the Apofile faith,that he was crucified among:a the galatians. Cer- tainly, in that he died be diedbut once untofin. S. Paul couldnot doe that himfelfe,which he curfeth others for doing,Crucifie againe the Lord of Glory. So then at jerufalem he wascrucified in his perfon, and at Galatia in the miniflery ofhis Word. One and the fame crud- lying wasas lively let forth inSaint Paull preaching,as it was really abed upon Chrifis perfon : for Chritt is as reallyprefent to his Church now in the fpirituall difpen- fationofhisordinances, as hee was corporally prefent with theJewes in the dayesofhis flefh. And therefore I fay it is that we finde the fame attributes given toboth. a Chrijt the powerofGod, and the wifedeute of God; and K4 the 135 VERSE 2. Heb.4.12,13. Ga1.3.z. a T Cord.z4.