Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

174 VE R S E Z. Ier.t3,t5',17. Mal.r.13. Ma1.3 1 ;. wv6lipscre 1-4 dyia du 11717;7 re. A& 7.5 r. lam. 1.19,2o. Theglorieof thego§ell. =1.M.....1 f.mbi.1!,=.. they did let themfelves as in Godsprefence,expeaing in it his authoiizic, and receiving it in his name. Dareth any man to rufb witha naked weapon into the prefence of his prince, and with fcorne to throw Backe his owne perfonall commands into his face againe? And fhall wee dare to comearmed with high thoughts, and proud ma- fonings,and flubbornerefolutions agaIntlthe majeftyof the Lord himfelfe, who fpeaketh from heaven unto us ? 1keceivewithmeekneffe, faith the Apofile, the ingrafted Word, which if able to laveye:or[males. The word doth not mingle nor incorporate, and by confequence doth not change nor cave the foul; but when it is received with meek!wffe, that is, when a mancommeth with a re- folution to lay downe his weapons, to fall downe on his face,andgive glory to God; he that isfwift to wrath, that is, to let up flout and fretfull affeelions againfi the purityand power of the Word, to fnuffeagainft it, and ' to fall backward like pettifh children which will not be led, will 6e veryflow to heare or to obey it, for the wrath ofmandoth not worke the rightecmlneff-e of God. A proud hearer will bean unprofitable liver.Ever therefore come unto the word with this conclufion; It may be this day will God firike me inmy mailer veine, I am an ufuall profaner ofhis glorious name ; a name which I fhould fare for the greatneffe, and love for the goodneffe, and adore fortheholineffc of it; hee will peradventure lay clofe tomy confcience that guilt which himfelfehashde- clared to be in thisgreat finne; that whatfoever is more than yea andnay is finne unto me,and whatfoever is fin, is Hell to my foule. lam a vaineperfon, a companionof loofe andriotous men; It may bee the Lord will urge upon my confcience the chargeofhis owne word,not to companie with fornicators, to have no fellowfhip with the unfruitfull workes ofdarkeneffe,not to follow a mul- titude to doe evill, and that thoughhand joyne in hand, yet finne (hall not goe unpunifhed. I am unprofitable, loofe,