Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

\TER S E I. The eArticles ofMaids Creed. fanaification orconfecration ofhim, which was by the Holy ghoThby whofefulneffe he was anointed unto the Offices of King and Priefi, for Co our Saviour himfelfe expounds this word Said,by the realm.%& fanaification ofhim to his office, Ioh.10.34,35,36. Then wee have the Incarnation ofChrifl,in thew9rd, My Lord,together with his dignitieand honor above David (as our Savior himfelfe expounds it, IvIatth.22.41.45.) Mine, that is, mySonneby defcent andgenealogic after the flefb, and yet my Lord too,in regardofahigher fonfbip. We haue alfo the Sufferingsof Chrift,in that he was confecrated a riefl, v.4. to offer up himfelfe once for all, and fo to drinks ofthe brooke in theway. Wee have his Ebtaltios and conquefl over all hisenemies, and fufferings, his re- furrellion,befbafilift up hid head,his Afcenfionand Inter- ceffiontlit thou on my right hand. And in that it comprifed his Dercent intoHell by S.Pautt wayofarguing, Tbat he afcended, what is it but that hee dercendedflrfi into the lowerparts ofthe earth?Eph+9. Wee havea Holy Ca- tbolickChurch, gathered together by the Scepter ofhis Kingdome,and holding in the parts thereofa blefred,and. beautiful! CommunionofSaints,The LordAallfeudforth the Rodof thyfirengthout ofSion; Rulethost in themicift of thineenemies. ThypeopleAxilbe willing in the dayofthy power in the beautiesofholinefe , from the wombeof the morning, thou haft the dewofthy youth. Weehave the laft Judgment, for all his enemies mull bee put under his feete, (which is the Apoffles argument to prove theend ofall things, Cor.15.25.) and there is the day ofhis wrath, wherein he fhall accomplifb that judgment over the heathen,and that vi,fforieover theKings oftheearth, (who take countedand6andie themfelves again#him,) whichhe dothhere in his word beginne. We have the Remtffion off-lune:, comprifed in his Prieflhood, for hee was to offer Sacrificeforthe remiffion offinues, and toput awayfinne 6y the SacrificeofhimfrIfe,Eph. I .7.He.9.26. Wee