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6 VER S.E TheOrdinationofChrift ONMOMPY*Yft. itnilionand obfigoation thereunto, The Wordor Decree ofhis Father. TheLord/aid. 2 By the Greatnefe ofhis perfon in himfelfe,and yet necrneffe in bloud and nature unto us. My Lord. 3 By the Glorie,power,and heaven- lineffe ofthis hisKingdome, for in the adrniniaration thereofhe fitteth at the right handofhis Father. Sit thou at my right hand. 4. By the continuance and Viaories thereof. Ontill Intake thyfoes thyfootlioole. The Lordraid. Some read it, certainly or affuredly faid, by reafon ofthe affinity which theoriginal! word hash with Amen ( from which it differs onely in the tranfpofitionofthe fame radical! letters.) Which would afford thisobfervation by the way; That allwhich Gods Tales ofor to his Some isvery faithfssfi & true. For which caufe the Gofpell is by fpeciall Emphafis called, The Wordofrruth, Eph.I a 3 and <ra'c'c 740-, 4 f;sithfmll faying, worthy of a acceptation, I Tim.I.15. Or moll worth), tobe beleevedAnd embraced. (For fo the word ,Pix4 and 2"4e411.,,, being appliedunto the Gofpell,figni- fie, Toh.t.m. loh. 3 . 3. Ael. .ii. Being oppofite unto .ezTeeiZz's xv ho),6,, A61.13.46.) But the principal( thing here to bee noted is, The Decree,appointment,San6hfication,and fealing ofChria unto his Regal! Office. For the Word ofGod in the Scripture fignifies his Bleffing, Power, Pleafure,Ordi- nation. Manliveth not bybreadalonebut by every word which proceeded, out ofthemouth ofGod, Match. 4.4. That is, by that command which thecreatures have re- ceived fromGod tonourifh by, that BenediStion and San&ification which maketh every Creature ofGod good untous, i Tim.4.5. Gods laying is ever doing lomething, his words are operative,and carry an uneti- on and authoritie along with them. Whence we maynote,not ChriftsKingdomebelongs to him notby ttfitrpation,intralion,orviolence,bto byerder, decree,inveflitttrefrom hisFathek. All Kings raigne