Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

The glouofaril Is Kmgdome. right hand,Pfed.ii8.4,15 ,16andhisfury is the Copof his right band, 1446.2.16. And he arengthneth,andhel- peth,auplioldeth his people by the righthandofhis Righteoufneffe that is, by hisPower, and faithful] pro- mifes,which in ;heir weaknes flrengthens them, in their feare and flagging ,helps them,in their finkingand falling upholds them,Efill.4i . to. So the Ffaltnifi faithofwic- ked men that their right hand is a right hand of falfe- hood,Pfita44. Ii.that is,either confidence in theirovvne power will deceive themfelves, or they will deceive others to whom they promife fuccour and aflifiance. Therfore Gods right hand is cald the right handofMa- jeftpHeb.1 .3. and the right handofpower,Ltik.22.69. To fit thenat Gods righthand noteth that greattionor, and judiciarie Office, and plenitude of power, which God the Father bath given to his Sonne;,after his mani- feilation in the flefh, in his nativity; and juflification by the Spirit,inhis refurre6lion; he was then,amongfl other dignities, received up intoglory, i Tim.3.16. This wee finde amongfl thofeexpreffionsofhonor whichSalomon chewed untohis Mother that thee fate at his right hand, I ging. 2.19. And herein the Apoffle puts a great diffe- rence betweene Chrifl and the Leviticall Priefis, that they flood daily Iviliniflring, but Chrifi after his Oife. ring, Sate domeon the right hand ofGod, HeS.Io.1 I , I 2. noting two things s Era, That Chriawas the Lord, and they but Servants, for {landing is the poflure ofa Servant or Minifler, 8.17.12. Ezek4.4. 24. and not fitting, Las 17.7. Secondly, that their worke was daily tobee repeated, wheras Chrifls was confum- mate inone offering once for all, after which bee razed or fate downe againe. This fitting then ofChria at the right handofMa- jeflie andglorie notes untous firfl, Thegreat Exaltation oftheLord Chrif whomGod bath highlyhonoured and advanced andgiven aname aboveevery name. C 4 Firfi, 2 VE R SE I. Verbal,: federe Regnifignificat potefiatem. Hieron, in ' Epb.cap.'. sederequoddi- citur Deus non mcnibroritinpo. fitionern fed ju. diciariarnfigni- ficatpoteliatem. Aug. de Fide & fynsbol. cap. 7. Ier.52.1 a. Luk. Chron.28.28, I King. 27.2.