Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

2 VERSE c Gip t a51YDt cale erct- Ramt i kce77erais oiihet ;411033 "riit Sit rte catactiii on pier &oar'. 77Z4r,Tei oft Tetrit 10,r6e0 4d. 'MY Sir ;$1113,01.4i laC.13tfil. Mag. Homil. deride. vtfol cum in nube tegittar daritao eyes comprimitur, nonciecatur- ticHomo ills, quemDominios falvatorque nofter, iseft, Deaks,Dei F !- figs induit, Deitatem in illo nonintercepit, ficlabfcendit. Greg. Naian. Orat.49.defide. CrtklifiKdaICI 76' CtI0e9P7ril Iku qU 7Y wrriS tea cnNtzepf, 6 Qvc- x.viiTai 0'1'431 74XII. alas. Thtophi. hot. in loh.17. Acceint ut how quxhabebat at Deus. Theodo- ret. in Phil. 2. TheExaltationofaril/. 11011017111, .111*ImmoNsrf Firit, his Divine nature,though it cannot poffibly re- ceive any intrinfecall improvement or glory (all fulneffe of glory effentially belonging thereunto) yet fo farre final as it washumbled, for the ceconornie and admini- ftrationofhisoffice, fo farre it was readvanced againe ; Nowhe emptied andhumbled himfelfe, not by putting offany ofhis divineglory,but by fuffering it to beover- fbaddowed with the fimilitude offinfull fleth and to be humbled under the forme ofa Servant, as the light ofa candle is hidden in a darke and dole Lanterne. So that Declaratorily, or by wayofManifefiation, he is in that refpe61magnified at Gods right hand, or as the Apoille fpeakes, declared tobe that SonneofGodbyPower in rifing from the dead, andreturning tohis glory againe, Rom. + Again, how ever in A11ir4Elo wee cannot fay that the Deitie or Divine nature was exalted in any other fenfe than by evident manifeflation ofit felfe in that man who was before defpifed, and accufed as a blafphemerfor that he made himfelfeequall with God: yet in Concrete, and by reafonof the Communicationof properties from one nature to another in the unitie of one perfon, it is true that as God faved the World by his blond ,and as it was thePrinceof life that was crucified, and the Lord that lay in thegrave; fo God likewife was in the forme ofa fervant humbled,and at the right hand ofMaje ftie exalted againe. Second] y,thehumane nature of Chria is moil highly exalted by fitting at Gods right hand; for in the right of his Hypoflaticall union bee bath an ample and imme- diate claime to all that glorywhich might in the humane nature bee confered upon him. So that though during the timeofhis converfation amongfl men, theexigence and ceconomie of the Office which he had for us under- takenmade him a manofforrowes, and intercepted the beanies of the Godhead and Divine glorie from the other nature;yet having finned that difpenfation,there was