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groundsofourfarie love to Chrifl. 6t VERSE I. ofthe foule is made the iffue ofthe contention. Wefinde with what heate of zeale the /apex contended for the Templeat lernfalem, and with how equal! and confi- dent emulation the Samaritans ventured their livesfor the precedencie oftheir Templeon mount Gerazim;and took an oath to produce proofsfor theauthority thcrof, and yet all the groundof this will-worfhip was the tra- dition of their Fathers. For our Savior affurcs us that they worlhipped they knew not what, and onely tooke thingsupon trua from their predeceffors. The Satyrift hathmadehirnfelfe merry with defcribing the combate of two neighbor townes among(! the Egyptian: in the oppofite defenceof thole ridiculous idoles, the feverall worfhip of which they had been differently bred up unto s And furely, ifaprophame Chriflian, and azealous illahmmetanihould joyne in the like contention, not- withfianding the fubjc61 it relic, on the one fide defen- ded, were a facred and pretious truth, yet I doubt not but the felfe fame reafons might be the folemotive of the Chrillian tovindicate the honor ofChria,andofthe other tomaintaine the worfhipofMahemet. I meant a blinde and pertinacious adhering to that Religion in which they had beenbrcd,a naturall inclination to favor domelicall opinions, a high eflimation of theperfons of men fromwhom by fucceflion they have thus been in- flruEted, without any Spiritual! conviaionofthe truth, or experience of the good which the true membersof Chriti refolve their love unto him into. And this we finde wasever the reafons ofthe Iewes obflinacy again(} the Prophets, theyanfwered all their arguments, with the pra&ice and traditions they had received from their Fathers, ler.9.1 4.11.1o. 44.17. A61.7.5 re Thirdly, the heart may be noffierfwaded°fits love to ChrifI, by judging that an affethon unto him, which is indeednothing but a felfe loveand a defire ofadvancing private ends. The rule whereby Chrifi at the WI day will loAph. Anal. Immortale Odi. um,et nunquam fanabilevulipts; iirdet adhuc combos el- ten. tyra ;Ammo utringg Indefu- ror vulgo, quod numina vicino- rum0dit uteq's locus, cum fobs credat habendos Efre Deos, quos ipfe colit. Iuve- nal. Satyr. i s.