Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

6z aura laquearia, VERSE I. taro ar:cies, aurafulgent ca- pita tato mna- rum,& /luaus atque efuriens ante fares no- liras Cbriflics in paupere moni- t or. Gaudentium. cir ct, (4) Btiel. cruo/exi Pines as R4G,popec it'Oriisto xetvecIoi,x1.4t Xi- 7,c4,71v chci ;,X47.7ns xe,4511A- 41Zymill. loft. Martyr. Apol. z. . yi Cbriftlano vocabolo glori- antor & perdi- ti vivunt,nan abfurde poffUnt videri media Noe fill° figu- ral; pallionem quippe quee illictshonci- nisnitditate nifitata eft, & annunciantpro- fltendo,&male agenda exhono- rant. eluguft. de Civit.Dei,lib. 16. cap. z. xvpair° xeisi27e91,&e. Ignat.epifi. ad Tral. rounds ofourfafl loreto chro. will meafure the loveor hatred amen unto him,is their love or hatred ofhis brethren and members here, Mat. 7.5.40,4 5. for in all their affliaions Chrift himfelfe is af- fli6le :Peter lovefl thoume ?feedmyAeepe;make proofe of thy love to meby thy fervice and compaffion to my people. And how many are there every-where tobe found whole love unto themfelves hath devoured all brotherly love?who takeno pitty either upon the foules, or temporall neceffities of thole with whom they yet pretend a fellovvfhip in Chrifis owne body? who fpend more upon their owne pride and luxury, upon their backs and bellies, their pleafures and exceffes, yeabury more oftheir fubflance in the mauves of havvkes and dogs,than theycan ever perfwade themfelves toput into the bowels of the poore Saints ? furely at the dayof judgment, however fuch men here profeffe to love Chrifliandwould fpit in the face ofhimwho with leifthe Martyr fhould fay,theywere not Chriflians,it will ap- peare that fuch men did as formally and as properly denie Chrifl,as ifwith Peter they hadpublikely fworne, /know not theman. The Apofile plainly intimates thus much, whenhe fheweth that the experimentofthe Co- rinthians minifiration to the neceflity of the Saints was an inducement unto the Churches topraife God for their profeffed fubjeeiion to the Gofpell of Chrift, 2 COr.9. 13. Againe, as Chrift is prefent with us in his poore members, fo likewife in the power ofhisordinances,and in the light and evidence ofhis Spirit alining forth in the lives of holy men:; If then we are as impatient ofthe edge ofhis word, when it divides betweene the bone and the marrow,when it difcerneth and difcoverethour fecret thoughts, our bofome Imes, our ambitions, un- cleane,andhypocriticallintentsgthe lives andCommnion ofthe Saints be in like manner aneye-fore unto us in Chaining and reproving our formall and fruitleffe pro- felon ofthefame truth, as Chrills was unto the Lewes; certainly