Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

grounds ofourfalfi love to aril!. ........ealmoom Rew... ...ramao.............*.... certainly the fame affeolions ofhatred,reproach,anddis- eflimation which we thew unto them, wewould with fo much themere bitterneffe haveexpreffed unto Chria himfelfe, ifwe hadlived in hisdayes, by howmuch that Spirit ofgrace, againa which the Spirit which is in us envieth, was above meafure more abundantly in him than in the holiefl of his members. Ifyou were ofthe world (faith our Savior) the worldwould love their owne, but now I havecalled you out ofthe world, I have given to you a Spirit which is contrary to the Spirit of the Wnrld,tberefire theworldbatethyou. And this is evident when men hate another meerly for that diftinolion which differenceth him from them, they much more hatehim fromwhom the difference it felfe orginallypro- ceedeth. We fee then that they who openly profeffe Chria, may yet inwardly hatehim, becaufe the ground of their profeflion is not any experimentall goodneffe which theyhave tafied in him (for by nature men have no relifh ofChrift at all)but onely felfe-love and private ends, a wherby Chrift is fubordinated to their owne commodities. Men are herin juft like the b Samaritans, of whom !aleph:14 reports that when Antiochtuperfe- cuted the Lewes, they then utterly difavowed anycon- fanguinity with them, denied their Temple on mount Gerijim to be dedicated to the great God, and declared their linage from the Medesand Perfians: but whenbe- forethat, Alexander had (hewed favour unto the !ewes, and remitted the tribute ofevery feventhyeare,they then claim'd kindred with that people, and counterfeited a 6; VERSE I. a Si quisChrifto temporalia prx ponat, non ell in eopindamentum chrigus.4u.are zi. cap.a6. Multi arhifili charitate propureanon ereurtforas, quiafeeklaribud einolument te- tient eg.ffiaa entes, non quit:refit Chrifti, non a Chriffi Imitate, fedd fuis cemmodis nolunt r cedere. Aug, de Baptifinoeont:Donat.0.4. cap.10. b nuiv. 5 likivoilas O.? lapwings, aolgcor7v4 .46ist,Oweia' dp.oNIyat. tionic I tritievgais ittraO,Ouli 4'. regiv 'dor 771,u.kyisl. .0c, eintiq.lib.12.c.7.41,11et DTI sae ioadlailss'AMfard'ept *Nu iia,core9;c wripx6r, 124*mo civrir iviktive ObtoNo163, '610 ya Zs laggps7t 76/11.71 7Icd cr 11.4e 7ct7s ovenoemes Or ue; 7.OS iti- &In ciprivDavyhitistop ' ;nu 5 7i et .1 aimis '4414c-fat is 7.f,e,efaiown 17ornaor 41=0 100004,)&c Iolepb. 4ntiq.libalocap.8. defccnt