Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

TheStabilityofCh. tngdome. EIMme....P.M.e 1001w...liwimimmeaselElt wayeither injured by falfe brethren, or kept out by the idolatry of the places to which they came, AEI. 15. 2. A17.17.16. 441.18.25. & 19.8. Ga1.2.4,5. bidev. a. La illy, Alonging after bitprerence,4 loveof appea- ring, a defire to be with himwhich is bell of all, a 1,..e- king after him,and grieving for hini,when for any while he departs from the foule, a waiting for his falvation, a delight in hisCommunion, and in his fpirituall refrefh- ments, a communing with him in his fecret chamber, in his houfes ofwine, and in his galleriesof love.Fy which lovely expreffions the Wife-man hath defcribed the fellowfhip which the Church defireth to have with Chrift, and that abidingand flippingof Chrift with his Church, feafting the foule with the manifeflations of himfelfe and his graces unto it, Piot/m.4.2. 3. & lo5. 4. 2 COr.5.2. 2 TiM.4.8. Phila. 23. Cavt.3.i Cant.5. 6- 8. Gen.49 .18.4Pfal. I 19.13 I.Carst.I.4.& 2.4..Cont. 7.5. lon.14.2 I- 23. Reve1.3.20. Having thus by occafion of the enemies of Chrift, fpokenfomethingof the true and falfeLove which is in the world towards him:wenow proceed to the particu- lars mentioned before. And the firft is the tameofDu- ration, or meafure oftime inthe Text, Vntill. It hath doable relation in the words unto ChriftsKingdom, and unto his Enemies.As it look' the kingdome ofChrift, it denotes both the ContinHance and the Limitationof his kingdome.Thecontinuance ofit in his owneper fon, for it is there fixedand intranfienr. He is a King without fucceffours, as being fubje6t to nomortality, nor defect which might be by them fipplied. The kingdome of. Chrift as 1 obferved) is either Natnrall, as he is. God, or Dis'enfittory, andby Donation from the Father,ashe _ is Mediator, andnot onely ofthe former,but evenofthis likewife the Scripture affirmes that it is Eternalle It is a kingdomefet up by the God ofheaven, and yet it fhall neverbe deftroyed,butflamdfor ever, Dan.2.44. I have fet 77 VERSE I. Ommoesse......gonfteeeneeeremaela.