Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The linfulneffe of finne. 139 ticulars ar e enough to make up an Indu&ion, and io to inferre an univerfalitie of parts. Every purpofe, delire, imagination, incompleat and inchoate notion, every fig- ment , fo the word properly lignies (with reference whereunto the Apofile, as I conceive, cals fin, The trea- sure of the heart ; and our Saviour,the ifue of the heart) is evill,only evil, continually evil!. Originali drone is an entire body, an old man (which w ord notch not the im- potency or defets, but the maturitie , wifedome, cun- ning, covetoufnefle, full growth of that finne in us) and in this man, every member is earthly,fenfuall, and devi- liih. As there ischaf e about every corne in a field, lait- nefle in every drop of the lea, bìtternefle in every branch of wormwood, fo is there time in every facultie of man. Era looke into the miede: you (hall finde it fall of vani- tie,walling and wearying it Pelf in childitli, impertinent, unprofitable notions. Full of ignorance and darkyeefe,no man knoweth, nay no man bath fo much knowledge as to enquire or feek_e. after god in that way where he will be found ; nay more, when God breakes in upon themind e byfome notable teflimony from his Creatures, Iudge- ments, or providence, yet they like it not, they hold it downer they reduce themfelves backe againe to fooli(h hearts, to reprobate and undifcerning minds, as natural- ly as hot water returnes to its former coldneffe. Full of Curio f tie,lia4h,unpro fttable enquiriesffoolithand unlear- ned quefiicar,profane bablings, ftrife of words ,perverfe dif putes,all the fruits of corrupt and rotten mindes. Full of pride and contradiftion againfl: the Truth, oppo fitions of fame 'that is, fetting up of philofophy and vaine deceit, imaginations, thoughts, flefhly reafonings again{ the fpi- rit and ti uth which is in lefus. Full of domefficall princi- pler,fle(hly wifdome, humane inventions, contrivances, fuper - inducements upon the precious foundation of rules and methods of its owne to ferve God, and come to hap - pineffe. Fu11 o finconf ancy and roving, fwarwes of =p- t Arnarri a Anti- barbarif biblie. l zP39S Heb.4 i3. Mark.7. z t. Col. z.Ir. 3)ç)9 L;cet facultates non fue, unt pc),n abolite , drteiminatio tamen earuni ad objc G?a fPiri- tualta fuit pro- tintc.c extintTa. Zczm,dcl- mag 'Dei,c.7. 61'11.4. t 7. Rom ,i.z$. Roin.3. i t. b?7crKO',117a7y cu' eLcriÚHefS 42)áS, 746 áÚYa,9ztt c;:óágvgay atioy. I hoop hilus ad Antol l.r. Rom. r.r8,zt 24,18. r Tim.6.4,ç, z Tim,z,16, 23. E z Cos. ro.ç, Sph.4.zr. Rom,8.7 i Coe. i . s; z Cor. ;.1:,t9 Col. 2,1? lames 1.8,