Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The finfulne /Je of Sinne. I4 Pelves, and there lr ne truth ix us. More particularly, wee muff diftinguifh both of Death and of Sinne. There is a twofold death ; an ACluall, or Naturall Death, when the eflentiall parts of a living Creature are taken a.funder, and the whole difholved : and a VertualI or Legall death; when though the party be naturally Alive,yet he is `Dead in LaW, and that notes two things : Firft, a defgnation unto a certaine Death at hand,and ready to be executed : Secondly, a difability unto many purpofes which lay be- fore in the roans power; as a man condemned, though he have hislife out of indulgence for a íhort fpace,yet he is then Pet apart, and appointed for tleath, and in the very fentence difabled to order or difpofë of any thing which was then his owne. When a Woman is divorced for adultery from her Husband, though the be Alive natural- ly, yet Legally and to the purpofe of marriage Thee is Dead to her Husband, fo that though thee should live in the fame Houfe, yet thee fhould have nothing to doe with his bed or body. And thus the Apoflle fpeaketh of Moll Widdowes, that they are `Dead while they live, I Tim. 5.6. In finne likewi(e we may confider, The guilt of it, whereby it makes us accurfed ; and the dominion of it, wherewith it bringeth us into bondae : in there two principally con1i is the life and the ftrength of finne, which it bath from the Law. Now by being baptifed in- to Chrift, we are delivered from the Law, Ro.6.14. Gal. 3.25. F irit, from the covenant of the Law, C brig bath put an utter period to the Law, quoad o fficium lußifican- di. He is the end of the Law for righteorfne fe. W e are righteous now by grace and Donation, not by nature,or operation : by the righteou(neffe of God, not that wher- by God is righteous,but that which God is plea/ed togive us, and hand in oppofition to a mans owne righteouf- neffe, which is by working. Secondly, from the Rigour of the Law which requires L . erfea Lohn LAS. B Rem. zo,4. Rom. ;.zo,si Phil 3.9. Ephef. 1.8,2o.