Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

Ili crhe Vanity of the Creature. . figured by a wo:xian,fhall be-throwne together,and when this rneafure of finnes is full to the brimme, then there is a maffe of Lead importing, the firmnef e, immutability, and heavineffe of Go n s_ Decree and Counfell, which feales up the Ephah, never more to have any finne put into it, and then come two women with wind in their wings, which are theexecútioners of Gods fwift and ir- reveríiblefury, and carry the Ephah between heaven and earth, intimating the publike declaration of the righteous Judgements of God, into the Land of Shinar, to build it there an houle, denoting the confiant and perpetuall ha- bitation of the wicked in that place of bondage, whither the wrath of God fhall drive them (for building of hou- Ioc: 3:r3. fes argues an abiding.) Put yottinthe fickle, for the harvet is ripe ; come get you doivne, for the prefe is full, the FRtts Matth.r3.3o. overf ,iw,for the wickcdnefjreisgreat. The revenge of finne 'Efay 63.3. is here and elfe- where compared to reaping, and treading Lament. i. z 5 the wine- preffe ; and the greatne(fe of finne is here called the ripeneffe of the harvefl ; and the overflowing of the Eatts; to Phew unto us that there is a time and meafure of .finne, beyond which the Lord will not deferre the,execu- Hof.9.1. tion of his vengeance. There are dayes of vifitatien and Efay z'. if. recompence for finne, which being come, Ifrael which E fay 4zz5- would not know before, fh.allknow, that.G o n keepes Deut.32. 34,35 their (lanes in flore. Pealed up amongfl his treafures,, and Efay 65.6. that therefore their foot fluall flip, in due time. namely, in Ier.r7.T. Hof.r3. the day :o of their calamitie, or in their moneth, as the Pro - Icr.z.zz,zq;.. phetfpeakes. As God.bleffings have a pun(Sluall time, H g. -.s$. from the foure =and twentieth of the ninth moneth, from this day I will blefle you : fo likervife have his Judge- G: °n 6.;<. meats too. Thedaves of Man (hall bee an hundred and twentieyeares, to the old. World : nor are yeares onely, but even moneths determined with -him. Now (hail a Hof. f. 7, moneth devoure them- with-their portions, to idolatrous Ifrael. Nor months onely,but dayes, and parts ofdayes; Ho1fo 1-5... In a morning fhal ,the King of Ifrael be cut off,,his,deflru- aion