Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

OF HAPPfNES. a tr,.an fitorie and narrow acluancement.He that pro· pofethforanEnd,a feeming gondJ but a reall etiill, may by attaynirig, puffe vp his imagination, but fi1all fub– flantia1ly le1fen and ruine himfelfe. But bee that fets before himaMarke&: .End true1y.and perfetlly good, by atrayning it, {hall make himfelfe trrily and perfect· ly happy, and the more happy in degree_s , as in more degr-ees hee doth en– iov it. Bur, amidft the infi- .nite changes of things {ee· - mingly good , how !hall man finde out that ane t-hing which is truely and ' perfecrlygood~ It is indeed an in1preffion of Me1ns na- . ture, 3 ' Jl .....