Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

1 g . . . . The Trial a_nd $ER rvt. 9 and cru fh thee ; m Covenant wuh the Sword, wirlt the Canon and Musket, with the Spear and Bow; yea, with Death, as a Boat to carry thee ov~r the Water to thy Father1s Land: So the Co;venant, Tit blefs them that bte[s . the~, and curfe them that curje thee, Ifa. 54; 16. I have created the Water to deflro_v 5 Creation is a _Work of ()_mnipdtency only, no Creature can do it: The F1re can~ not confume, Water cannot drown the Saints, except by a Difpen{~uion of the Lord. , . Uje 5. Chrift is not faftned as a ldofe Nail, or as broken or rotten Wedge ·in the Covenant. He is there as a -Nail in a fi.lre Place, Zach. IO. 4· lja.· :2.2. 23. Hang att the JTej[ets of the Father's Houfi on Chrift, He cannot break; 0 fweet! we are gii'en to the Surety oft'he Covenant1 .'lohn 17. 3· Son1 anfwer for him, thy Life for his Life, thy Glory for his Glory, and render Account of him, when the Kingdom fuall be given up to the Farher: A-. dam was Surety in the firft Covenant, and io it fell out. I?n~e-will holdeth.all fure in th:e Armi.nian Covenant, Uje 6. ·In Defertion, to fwim upon the Covenant . keepeth from finking ; fo Chrift in his fad and ·black Hour, .MY Grxl, my Gocl, why_ haft thou forfaken me .2 '· SE R M 0 N IX. I 0 Lord, thou Son of '.lJavirJ.] The one Word ( 0 Lord) holdeth fort~ Chrift's Godhead, the other ( Sor~ of V avid) holde'th forth his Manhood ; Here's the PerfeCtiot:l · of our· Mediator, in that he is the fubftantial Covenant, and Bmma:. nueJ, God with us, or God us in a pedonal Union;