Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SE R M~ 2 Triumph of Faith. 77 go through Bones and Liver, by Vi'ttue of the Curfes of the Law. Ufe 2. Men never try their ftand1ng, whether they be under their firft Husband ofthe Law, or if · they be mar.ried .to the better H11sband Chrift, and under Grace. Where art thou 0 Sinner, in Chrift .,. or no? They ' live at Random, and by Chance, not knowing that the two Covenants bath Influence on Eternity, a ~1an is judged according to hii State, rather than his Actions. U{e 3· l'jo State io ftable and fure as the Cov~­ nant of Grace. Chrift is Surety for the Believer th~t he fall not away: Chrift's Honour is engaged, he ihall not have Shame of his Tutory, J.fa. )o. 7. I know I jhatt not be aj!Jamed, faith Chrift: 'Tis his Honour to raife me when I fall. Ufe 4· We may ufe Arguments of Faith, challc:ngmg God, :fer. 31. r8. 'I'urn thou me, . anrJ I foatt be turner!: Why? For thou art the Lord ,my Goif. The Covenant is Faith's Magna Charta, the grand ,Mother-P1•omife,' all Prayers muft be bot1:ome~ on this, :fer. I 4· 21. 'IJo not abhor · us. Why? V er. 22.. Art not thou he the Lord God. Ifa. 64. 9· Remember not our Iniquity for ever, bt!hotd, fee we be.ftech thee. Why? We are thy People. Every one cloth for it's own, the. Prince for his own People, the Father for his own Children ; yea, the Dame for her own young OI)es, the Shepherd for his own Sheep, and God for his own in Covenant with him ; an oifen:fi ve ·and defen:five Covenant of Peace and War taketh in the Believer, and all that ferveth him, the Stones of the Field, ./ob 5· 23. and in Covenant with the Horfe thou rideft on, that it !ball not caft thee, and , ' I ' • <