Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

94 The Trial attd SERM. II WE now enter. into the Dialogue between the Woman and Chrift% The fid1: Trial is, The Woman crieth: ,But Chrift aniwereth not a Word. I fhew £rft wh~rein the Temptation ftanderh. · 2 • The Reafons of it, and in what Cafes Chrift cm~ fwereth not. 3· Bring the Ufes for the :firft; God's Temptations and Satan's., and tiu: Flafhes agree in t,his, that all Temptations are of one Colour, to :wit, white, and feeming good, even when !:he Skm of Temptations is black as Hell, yet there is white in it, as ( Curfi God and die, tbat thou mayfl be 1 hidden in the Grave from .Aiifer;) the Reafon is, Temptation were not Temptation, if it had not a taking Power to break in upon Reafon ; this is d'ear .in Sat~n's T~mptati<ms,he knowslVhn is a fallen and broken Creature like himklf; yet that there's Reafon left, and that mull: have a fair Object, thefirft black Apple muft be good m the Eye;· fo t'tle Devil fuiteth a Wife ever in his Whites, tho' if you !ho\}ld wafh the Devil and the Lie; the Bones are always black: Now this vVoman feeth that which fhe looked not for, and the AffeB:ions muft be ftjrred. Is this the .lord the Hearer pf PraJ'ers? z.. Is this he that blddeth us pra!Jl, and prom~feth to hear? 3· Is this the meek Lamb of God. of whom 'tis [aid, He jhaU carry the Lambs in his Jlofom? 1fa. 4;. r r. And a bruifed Reed he jhaU not break, a frt'toaking Fla::c he jht!lt not quench : He ttnj1veret h me not one Hlord; yea, he deniet h me to bt his, 4S 'tis hereafter, he reproacheth me with the Name of a :Do._g :. Nature ~voulrl fay, I repent that ever I came to htm, let my :J)tmghter .fiiff~r twenty,. one hu~dred, a Legion of :IJe·vils, 1 ha · e. done twttb Chrifl, I come no more at him ;_efpec!ally, , iuppoiing