Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

I r 6 . The Trial and SE~. .i 1 -na.nt of the Houje of J.fraet, which are born~ ) . (~y me)from the :Belly~ carri~dfrom the gray Hairs: So alfo, Deut. ... 32. 11. God beareth them on Eagles Wint;s; Grace, grace is a noble Guide and Tutor. z• . The Life of Sheep is the mofl: dependent L Jjfe /in the Wotld, no fuch,dependent Creatures .~, as Sheep; a!l their happinefs is the Goodnefs .4are and \V 1fdom of their Shepherd: J¥01-ves, , Lyfms, Lebpards need none to watch over them : ( 1 Briers and Thorns grow there alone; the Vine Tree, the noble Vine is a tender Thing, and muft be filpported, If a. 40. 1 1. Chrifl: muil: bear the weak Lambs in his bofom: The Shepherd's bo- , fom and his Legs are the Legs6fthe wealc Lamb, even the Habit of Grace is a Creature,,and no independent Thing, and fo in e.f!e ; in confi.rvari, jn its Creation, in its Prefervation, it dependeth on ·chri(i: Grace is as the new born Bird, its Life is ' the Heat and W armnefs ofthe Body & the Wings i ' ofthe Damrn~ 'tis like a Chariot, though it have ·: : feur Wheels, yet it rnoveth only as drawn by the i ! Strength of Horfes without it ; its a Plough of Timber only,that without Iron and Steel breaketh ; i up no Earth. The new SeedofGod atl:eth as atl:- ed by God: Hence repenting Ephraim, :fer. H 3 I. 1 8. <J""i/rn thou me, and 1 jhall be turned; , renewed :David is often ~t this, §!!icken me, ~-, quicken me : The fwoomng CJjurch .Cant. z. Stay me with flagons, e:) comfort me withAppVes. 3· Sheep are docile Creatures, John 1 o. 2 7. ,. . My Sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me. There is a Controverfie with Papi(fs, ' ~ how we know Scripture to be the l.tVord of God : ' ~' There is two Thif!gs here ,;onfiderable, one wit~- \ ~ 10 ;' ~ '