Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

' Su.. t ~ . Triumph of Faith. I I 7 in another Wlth<..>ut. How knowerh the Lamb its Mother amongft a Thoufand· of the Flock ? Naturat injlinfl teaching it. From what Teacher or Art is it, that the Swallow buildeth its clay Houfe and Neft, and every Bee·knoweth its own cell and waxen Houfe? So the InftinCl: of Grace knoweth the Voice of the Beloved amongft many Voices. Cant, 2.8. And this difCerning Power is in the Sub·ietl. There is anothe,r Power in the ObjeCI, of man·y thoufand Millions of Men, 6nce the Creatirm, not one, in fgure and n1ape, is altogether like another, fome viftble difference there is: arnongH man~ V. oices, no~ oice like Man's Tongue : Amongft mdho;,s of dtverfe Tongues of Men, every Voice harh an audible Differ,cn~e printed on it, by which 't:is difcerned from all other. To the new Creature, there is in Chrifts Word fome Charat'ler, fome Sound of Heaven, that is in no Voice in the World~ but in his only, in Chrift reprefentt!d to a believers Eye ofFaith: There is a Shape, and a Stamp of divine Majefty, no Man knoweth it, but the Believer: And in Heaven and Earth, Chrift bath not a Marrow like hirpfel£ Suppofe there were an hundred coun't,erfeit . Moons, or fancied Suns in the Heaven, .a natural Eye can difcern the true Moon, & the natural Soo , from them all: The Eye knoweth white not to · be black, nor green. Chrifi: offered to th~ Eye of Faith, :ftampeth on faiths Eye, fpaces, little Images of Chrift, that the Soul dare go to Death, and to Hell with it : This, this only was Chrifr, and none other but he only. 4· Sheep are fimple, Fancy leadeth them much~ therefore they are itraying Creatures, Ifa. 53· 6~ Pfat. 119. ver. qo. 1 Pet. 2. z5. There is no- _II 3 ~hing