Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

·'· ~ 32 . . T'he T};R_I and . SEa. 14 1s fo fwee-t a Fre~-holdmg, that tt rnuft put a high Rate on Free-Grace. 4· The Clay-Organs and Faculties of the Soul_ working by diem, cannot bea_r the ~<X? great vto~e~ce of legal Terrors; for m revJvtng the Sptrtt, .lja. lvi1..x6. If he jhould let out att hiS fFrat h, the Souls jhoutJ fail that he has 1rfade : Nor can they bear that God let out all h1s ftrength of Love in one Moment ; rou){h or viotent dealing fhould break chriftal Glaffi:s: Chrifl Jhould break the Needle, when he feweth the H~art w himfelf: it he lhould put to all his ftrength; too fwift motion ofWheeJs may break the Mill ; Chri(l mutt drive ioftly, h<r a fight of the fourth part- of the Fire of Hell, and a fight of one Chamber ar one Window of Heaven is enough at once. I. 1Tis not enou~h to be fitted for the Phy- :fick, and no! tor the Phyl.ician: The weary and laden are fit to be eafed, but not fitted fDr Chrift the Phyfician, except they come to h1m and believe Iaith is a Thing very fuitable for Cbrift : He, e'l.)ery one that thirfteth, come ye to the Waters, and he that bath ·no money come buy and ea', Ha. lv. I. It · is true, in· regard of all Good deferving, moving God to have Mercy on one, rather than another : 7erujalem and all converted are d~ing i? their· B1oorl, ,and no Ey~ pity in~ them, E z. xvt. 6, 8. And tnerefore are none dtfcouraged to come becaufe of their wretched Efiate ;· t ha t is to ' fay, we cannot come, we nave no ,Mot)ey : But Chrift inviteth thefe which have no ,Money, and thot1gh Chrift feem to exclude the · Woman from Mercy, yet Chrift in Wifdol!' holdeth for h the Promiie here in that Latitude of Free~ 'G race ; while, as he faith, he came for'the · . Joft