Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SEll; 1 ~ . Triumph if Faith~ . i 3si. ing, Pf. xv1. 9• My ftejh alfo jhaU r~fi tn hope : How' iweet to take Faith's Back-band, fubfcribed by G~d's own Hand ,into the cold Grave with thee, as Chrift did, V er. 1 o. Thou witt not J~ave my Soutin the Grave. · 4· Faith faith;Senfe is a Liar: Fancy, Se_nfe, the Fte[h will fay, Job xvi:. 1 3· His Archers compaffid me round about, he cleaveth my Reins afunder, and doth not fpare, and poureth out my Gait on the Ground; but .Faith faith, V er. 19. I have a Friend in Heaven: Atfo now my Witnefs is in Heaven, J ob xix. n. Senfe maketh a Lie of God : lie hat h alfo kind- }ed his wrath againfl me, and ta ,~eth me for his Enemy : No, .7ob, thou art the- Friend of God : See how his Faith cometh above the Water, V er~ 2 5. I know that mv friend b.v blood, or m;• Redeemer liveth, &c. ~· She waiteth on in hope, and took not the firft nor fecond Anfwer: Hope is long breath'd, and at Mid- Night prophefieth guod of Goo, Mic. vii. 9· I'hough I fal/1 I jhalt rife again_, J onah ii. 4· Then I (air!, l am ea{& out of thy jir!:ht, 'Yet I w ilt look towarr! thy holy cfemple : There's a Seed of Heaven in Hope, .7ob I i3· When God did hide his Face from hiin, Vet:. 24. yet V er. 16., He at{o jhaU be my Salvation: There is a Negative, and over-clouded Hope in the Soul at the faddeft time ; the Believer dares not fay Chrift: will .never come again: If he fay it, it's in hot Blood, and in haft~, and he will take his Word again, -lfa. viii. 17~ 4· She continuet~ in praying; Ihe , cryed, LorJ, Son of Vavtr!, have Mercy on me ; Ihe has no Anfwer; fhe cryeth again, while the Difciples are troubled with her Thouts ; Jhe getteth a worfe Anfwer than no .A.nfwer1 yet fue comethaud prayeth; we know the: holy Wilfulnefs