Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

'.144-. 7he Triat and · SER· I 5 here 1S a ··Duty: :Out thy Servant did meditate on thy Statutes, Ver. ~~. My Soul faintethfor· thy Salvation, but I hope in thy word, V er. 1 1 o The wicked have laid a fnare for me, yet j not from thy Precepts, V er. 1 57· Many are 'my Perfecutors,.. and mine Enemies, yet do I not decline from thy Teftimonies, Piiil. cix. I;.' "Ibey 'fougl;;t aJ?;ainft me without a Caufe1 V er. 4· For my Love the_'' w~re mj Adverfaries, but I gave myfelf to pra_ver. 1. 'Tis afign Qf a fweet humble Servant, who ·.can _take a Buffet, and yet go about his Mafters Serv1ce ; and when ·a Soul can pafs throw Fire & W3;terto be at a Duty; for then the Confcience 'cf the Duty bath more prevailin~ Power to act Obedience, then the Salt and Bitternefs of the Temp~ation hath force to fubdue and vanquiJh the Spirit; 'tis like Grace bath the Day and better of Corruption. 2. It argneth a Soul well watch~d and kept from the lncurfion of a Houfe :ftn, and a home-bred Corruption ; for the Temptation f~tteth on··the neareft Corrnption, as Fire kindleth the m~areft Powder ; and dry Timber; and fo goeth along;/ Pf xviii. 1 8. They prevented me in the:Day of myCalamity,Ver. 23. !was upright before him, tl:11d !kept myfeljfrol(l mi'!e I11iquity. The Devil .bath. a Fr1end With us: Now there be degrees ·of Fr1e~ds, fome nearer ~f - .13lood than other fome, the Mans own PJ;edon11- . nant is the d~arer Friend to Satan, than any other £n; it Pride be the Predominant, 'tis fo Satan his fi::ft-born, he agents his BufinefS by Pride. 3: So it may argue, that the ·Soul Steeled and fortified with Gr.a2e, taketh occa4on from the Sinfu)nefs of the Temptation, and the Edge ofit, to be more zea-