Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

Slut. 15 · Triumph of Faith; - I4J 2. 5. 1lutf/1e came and Worjhipped. ] An heavier Temptation cannot befall a Soul tender of Chrift's Love, than to cry to God and not to be anfwered, and to cry and receive a flat and down- , right renouncing of ·the poor Supplicant; ·yet thts· doth not thruft h~r from a Duty, Ihe cometh and worfhippeth, and prayeth. 'Tis a bleifed ~lark when a Temptation thrufteth not offa Soul from a Duty: And 1. :'When the Danger and fad Trial is feen, it's good to go on. Chnft knew 'before, he fhould fuffer, and when they would appreli~nd him, ye.t he went to the Garden to f pend a 'piece of the. Night in Prayer. It was told ·P aut by ,AJ?;abus, 1f he went to Jerufalem the Jews fuould bind him, and deliver him to the Gentiles; it was his Duty to go, thither he profeifeth he will go, AB;S fXi. 1 3· What mean ye to . ~weep, and break my Heart, I tnnready not onty to be bound, but to die for the Name of :Jifus : Dying could not thruft him from a Duty. :bji:her ran the hazard of Death to go in to the King ; yet Confcience of a Duty calling Jhe goeth on in Faith ; If I perijh, 1 perijh. 2. In the Att of Suffering; Chri~ on the Cro~ prayeth, and c~~~ verteth the Thtef ;_f Paut wtth an Iron Chain upon his Body, preaci~th Chrift before Agrippa and his Enemies, and preaching Chrift was the Crime: Paul and Sitas with bloody Shoulders rnuft fing ,Pfalms in the Stocks. 3· Indefinitely, after the Trial, and when the Temptation is on, yet the Saints go on, P{. xliv. I 7. All this is come on us, there is .the' Temptationt the Duty ; Tet we have not forgotten thee, neither dealt fa/fly in thy Covenant Pf. cxix. z. 3· Princes did [peak againfl me, there is a Temptation ; yet here