Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

·,' 148 7'be ':trial and SEll. icS whereby one Man overcometh the great and vaft \Vorld. SERM0N XVI. Matb. xv. V er~ :.6. . 1Jut he an[711ered, and faid, it is not meet to take the Childrens' bread, ancJ to cafl it to 'Zlogs. ~ 7. .And foe [aid, 7ruth, Lord, yet the :Dogs eat of thi Crumbs that fait. from the Maflers 2abk. . ' .,.g. And 7ifus anfwereil, and {aid unto her, 0 Woman, great is thy Faith, be it unto thee even as thou witt: and her Vaughter was matle tTJJhole from that very Hrmr. · · Mark vii. V er. 30. And ~when jhe c.ame to her, jhe found the Vevit J{one out, and her 2Jaughter Jaid upon the Jied. 1 ... He Diii.pute between Chrift and the Woman goeth on : Chrift bringeth a ftrong Reafon; Ver. z6. why he fuould not heal her Daughter,_becaufe Jhe and all her Nation, not being in Covenant with God, as are the Je'ZVS the Church of God, are but Dogs, and profane, and unworthy of Chrift, which is the Jireatl · ordained for the Children. When Chrift hul;llbleth, he may put us in re· membrance of our Nation, and national ftns, 1 . Look to tl:}e Rock whence ye were kewn, tend to the hole of the pit whence ye were dsggecl -·--1 alone called Abraham, he was an Idolater, Hof. ix. 1 o. I found .lfraellike Grapes in the Wildernefs, they .fhould have been, w1ld qrapes rotten in the wildemefs, htd I not put them m my . &~