Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SEi. ·,() TrittmpbofFaith ·IS i to give a Ranfom of Self-worrh, for that great Ranf."~n ofBlood which cannot be bou~ht: But thr·u ~~h thou fhouldell huy Chrift, the Father W' !i not ff.ll him: Chrifl 1s difpoied to afinner, as a free Gift, not as a Wage or a Hire: Tht"rc is a d1 .ference between Down~cafl:ing and Savingh tmiliation ; down caftino may e:Xceed meafure i . the too much apprehenfton of the La~-curfes, and m1.y be conjnined with much Prtde and Sel~- l~>ve : . .But ·right and faving · Humiliation conJoined wtth Faith, cmnot overpafs bmmds, it aritt:rh often from the Senfe of Grace, rather than. from the Law ; God giveth Grace to t~e humble, and he giveth Humility to t~e gracious, under the Sente of rich Grace, . 1 'hm. 1. I 5· Eph. iii. 8. Tit. iii. 3, ~ 5· 2. Tim. ~ . 9· Nothing humbleth m more than an Opinion of the Power and Excellency of Grace: Grace known and apprehended in its 'Worth, layeth down proud l\ature on the Earth, 1 Cor. xv. 9, 10. ~hrift's Grace was Chrift's Accompt-Book to Paul; :But by the Grace of God, I am that I am : A borrowed Garment though of Silk, will make a wife Man humble ; man'y fins pardoned made much Love to Chrift, and much Humility in the Woman, Luke vii. 44· and made her lay Head and Hair, yea, and Heart alto, under the foles of Chrift's Feet ; no doubt Jhe- t~ought bafely of herfelf and her Hair, remembring that Grace put thefe Feet to a fad and tirefome Journey, to come into the World to feek the loft, and to be pierced with Nails for her: There's Courte.fie in free Grace, being the Marrow and Flower of unhired Love, tQ kill high Thoughts .ofa Self-deitroying finner.