Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

The TABLE. The ObjeB:ions of D. Crifpe removed ; Sinners, as Sinners, not fit to receive Chrift I 33 ·· How Bhrift belongs to Sinners under ' the Notion ?f Sinners ' zb. How the Spirit aCts.moft. in the Saints, when they endeavour leait . I 34 The Marrow of LibePtinzfm to ?tegleff Sanffi{kation, a_nd - to wallow in flefb!y Lufls • - • • • 1b• Chrift's Death mak:eth us acrxve m Dunes of Hohnef'S. ·proved from three Grounds I 3 6 How Chrift ~~eepeth llS fro~ Sin I 3 1 S ·E R .l\1 0 N XV. Eight ne~efi"at;y Duties required .of a Believer unrlar Defert10n, 1. Patience. 2. . Faith, &c. . 1.3 7 Hope prophefieth glad Tidings at .¥id-night 139 It is a blefTed Mark, when Temptations chafeth not a Soul from Duties, illuftrated in three Cafes · 14~ It arguerh three good Things. to go on in.Outies under a Temptation · 144 Antinomians take Men oif Dutie~ 145 Chrift tempted cannot Sin;· Saints tempted dare not fin . 146 Faidt traffiqueth withHeaven ia the faddeft Srorms 147 S E R 1\1 0 N XVI. ·~ational Sins may ~ccnr to the Confcience of the Child of God, in his Approach to God 148 A fubtile humble 'Pride, the Difeafe of wea'k Ones, who dare not apply th~ Promifes 15 I Senfe of Free-grace pumbleth eJ~:ceedingly ifl. How fa1.1 forth Confcieace of W retchednefs hindreth any to come to Chrift I 5 z Whoever doubteth if God will fave him~ doubteth al- . fo if God can fave him I 54 .t;.m keepctl4 not ,the Door of Ckrlft to hold out the Sinn~r · 155 f 3 Senfe