Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

I The TRIAL and TRIUMPH of FAITHo ... SF.RMON 1. M A R 1~ vij. 24. And from t/Jente he arofe, ·a~d went into the borders of 'Ij~ re and Sidon, and went into an houfe, and would that no man jhouZd !wow it.: but he could not be hid. MATTH. xv.-z.I. c_r'hen J~fus ctvent thence, ancl came into the coafls of 'JYre and Sidon. V. 22. A nd behold, a 'U.'oman of Canaan came out of thefome coafls, ~tnd cried unto him, Jaying., Have mercy on me, 0 Lord, thou So!J of V avid, f or my daughter is grievoufly vexed with a deviL · MARK Vl l. 2 5· For a certain woman t:.vhojey oung · (li t tle dauy:,hter) had an unclean fpirit, heard of him, and came a~d felt at hi s feet. V. 26. ( The wcman was a Greek, a Syropha;n.lcian bJI nation) and Jbe befouy;ht him, that he I · would cafl forth the devit ottt of her daugbter. .1 T Hr s Text being with-child ofFree Gr 'ce, . holdeth forth to us a Miracle of 1\'ote; and becauie Chrift is in the Work in an eminent Manner, and there is here alfo much of Chrifi's new C~·e;tion, and a . Floo~ plant- ~d _o nd_ watere? by Chrlit s. own _H.:nd, a Itr~ng FaJth m a try d Woma~' 1t rcquiretl1 the b~nd , ng of our Heart to Attentton: For, to any 1eeki ng A ~efu~