Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SERM. 2 'Triumph o]·Faith. 7 Work who would crofs it. In bloody Wars, ma - ligna~t Soldiers riping up Women wi~h Child, w'afte, fpoil, kill ; yet are they but purgmg Zion's Tin Brafs and Lead, and fuch reprobate Metal as tbe~fdves. 7efoites and falfe Teachers are but God's Snuffers, to occafion the clearing and fnu£fing of the Lamps of the '{abernacte, a-nd make _*'Truth more naked ~nd obvwus. S .ERMON II. And he we+tt into a Houfe, and ~would that no Afan jbould !wow it. THIS Will, according to which it is faid, He would ~hat no }11an j/Joutd know it, was his huma~e Will, according to which the Lord Jefus was a Man as we are, yet without Sin; which was not alway fulfilled, for his divine Will, being backed with Omnipotency, can never be refifted: It overcometh all., and can be refifted by none. Confider V!hat a Chrift we have, one who as God, bath a ftanding \~ill that cannot fall, Jfa. I 4· 24. He , doth att his cpteafure: His Pleafure and his Work are commenfurable, lfa. 46. I o, 1 I. Pfol. 13 5. 6. Pfat. 115. 3· Yet this Lord did ftoop f~ low, as to take to himfelf Man's Will, to iubrnit to God and Law. .And fee how Chrift, for our lnftruetion, is content, that God lliould break his Will, and ]ay it below Providence, Afatth 26. ~9· 0! :fo lit- ,tle and low as Jeius Chriit is, all is come to · this, 0 my Fath~r, remove the Cup; Neverthete(S, not as I ~witt, but as thou cwilt. Chrift and his Father bath but one Will between them both, 7ohn 5· 30. I feek. not mine owrz fViU, but tlJe IVill of A 4 t he .,