Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

·6 Th~ Trial and SERM. I doms, bath his OE,e Foot on Juftice, that Wrath may fill tQ the Brim the Cup of Malignants, Prelates and Papifl:s; and his other Foot on Mercy, to ~wajh amty the Filth of the Vaugh.ter ofZion~ an.d to purge the :B)ood of 7erufakm in the midft thereof, by the Spirit of .7udgment, and by the Spirit of :Burning. And this is God's Way and~ ordinary Path-rode, PfaJ. 25. 10. And in one and the fame Motion, God ean walk both to the Eafi: and to the Weft., and to the Nprth and the S()uth. Uje. 'Tis our Fault, that we look upon God's Ways and Works by Halves and Pieces; and fo we often fee nothing but tlte black Side, and the dark Part of the Moon: we miftake aJl., when we look upon Men's Works by Parts, an ·Houfe, in the bl.lilding, lying in an hundred Pieces, he.e Timber, here a Rafter, ther~ a Spar, there a Stone ; in another Place half a. Window, in another Place the Side of a Door: There's no Beauty, no Face of an Houfe here: Have Patience a little, and f<:>e them all by Art compacted together in Order, and you'll Jee a fair Building.. When a Painter draweth the Half of a Man, the one Side of his Head, one Eye, the left · Arm, 1-Shoulder and Leg, and hath not drawn the other Side, nor filled up with Colours all the Members, Parts, Limbs, in its full Proportion; 'tis not like a Man: So do we look on God's Works by Halves or Parts, and w~ fee him bloodi:ng his People, icattering Parliaments, chafinf! away Noble.'> and Prelates, as not willing they 'h10uld ha-ve a Finger in one Stone of his Hrufe ; yet do we not tee, that in this Difpenf;,aion the other Half of God's Work makes it a fair Piece: God js wafhing away the Blood Slnd Filth ofhis Church, removing thefe from the . VVork,