Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

34 The Trial and SERM. 4 mixed and tempered J nftice. :.. If this Jlrgument from Chrill's fuffering have Nerves, it fha~ll con~ dud~, T hat the EleB:, before they be ju.ftified, are Jilever puniihed for Sin, more than believinfJ Saints are; yea, That God is. not di!pleafed with0 Abraham's Idolatry before h1s Converfion, nor with lllanaifeh's Blood, nor with Saut's Perfecution; becaufe Chrift paid J u.ftiLoe for ~ins of EleB: Perfons, committed before J uftification, as for Sins commitred after J u.ftificarion. · Ufe I • We can fetch n~ Con cl ufion of a bad Condition from Affiittiori. 'Tis a Part of Tendernefs of Confcience in the Regenerate, to be too aFplicatory of the Law and of Wrath: I'm afjli8ed above at! others, tl1erejore God is angry with me, and I am cqft ojf'by God. 'Tis a bad Confequence: There be fome Rules to be obferved in AffiiB:ion. I. Rute. \Ve are not either to over-argue. or to under-argue, neither to fa'int nor defpiie, Heb. 12. Confcience is too quick-fighted after Illumination, and too dull-fighted before. The Reafons why we argue from A:ffiiB:ions to God's Hatred, are, 1. There's a Confcience of a Confcience in the Believer; that' is, even in an enlightn.ed Confcience: There is i()me ill Confcience, to deem ill of God, ' 'Yfaf, 31: z z. For I faid in my hafle, I am cut off from before thine e};es. This is a hafty Conicience, as we fay, Such a Man is a hafty Man, ~nd f~on iaddled, eaiily provoked to Anger: is a Conicience !oon prttvoked to Anger. z. \Ye have not that Love and Charity to God, that we have to fome Friend : We have fuch a Lovt" to fame dt::'J.r Friend, th~t ail his Blacks are white, his feeming Injuries to us, do not provoke u~; We fay, , ' , l~n