Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

"t2 The Trial and SERM. 5' a Stem and a Birth of Heaven. 2.. None can come to Chrift, except they hear a good Report of him. ' How jhatt the_y believe i;z him of 'Whom the)' have not beard? Thofc who come aright to Chrift, mull: have nob1e, high, long, deep, and broad Thoughts of Jefus, and know the Gofpel. Now what j~ the Gofpd? Nothing but a good Report of Chnft; you muft hear a Gofpel-report of Chrift~ c~e rou come to him: Ill prin~ipled Thoughts of Chnft keepeth many from h1m, 1 J{ings 8. 42. Strltngers jhalt bear of thy great Narl2e, 'and of thy ftrong !land. Chrift was to be heard by the deaf Gentiles, Jfa. 29. 1 ~. In that 5Day jhait the 2Jeaf hear the /Fords of the Jlook: We hear, and we hear not, becaufe the Lord wakeneth not the Bar, MorninJ!; by Morning, that <zve may hear as the learned: Many hear, bur they have not the learned Ear, nor the Ear of fuch as have heard 1t11d learned of the !father: Mqny hear of Chrift, a Voice, and no more but a Voice, they know ·not that Prophecy, !fa. 3 o. 2r. 'Ihine Ears jhall hear tt Word behind thee,Jaying, This is th~. "f!Vay, walk ye in it : There's another V ice in our hearing,Men do not hear that they may hear, J{a.42.1 8. Hear ~re deaf; and behold, ye btind,that J'e may fee: that 1s, hear that ye may hear,ieethat ye may fee: The Lord giveth Grace, that he may give Grac~, and we are to receive Grace, that we may recetve Grace: Grace is the only Reward of Grace. 3· We, hear, and we hear not; we fee, but we have no ReflexaCt upon our feeing: Many open their Ears to Chrift, but thev hear not, they want a fpiritual Faculty of obf~rving, Jfa. 42. 20. Seeing, 1f!a~y 'Ibi~gs,!m~ thou obferve.ft not. 4.Many put Chr~ft m ~n without a Bottom, or in an Ear WJth a Hole