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SERM. 5 Triumph 'ofFaith. 1 43 Hole in its Bottom; we hear of Chrift, Heb. 2 . but we are as leaking and running out V dfe1s, Jfo. 42. 23. Who amon(!, you will give Ea~ to ·tkis, and i;ear fot· the :lime to come? Phyftctans gtve their three Caufes ot ·Deafnefs. I. w11en there's a '" Carnofity 0n the 'Iympanum auris, the Dn1m, this is extrinfical, the World is another Lover, and the " Care of it, and that hindreth Hea ring. 2. When the Organ ofhearing is hurt and difiernpered, as a lame Hand cannot apprehend: Now, when there be falfe Fancies, and Principles contr.ary to the Gofpel in the Heart, the Ear cannot hear. 3· Wh~n there are Abundance ofHurnours in the Brain, and they raife a Noife and Tumult in 'Iympano, in the Drum,and hinder Sounds to be heard. When Pride, and Principles of Senfi1ality and vain Pleafur~s make a Noife Within, that neither Chrift knocking, nor his Voice without can be heard. Men are de;;t£ But why do we not hear and fee Chrift revealing himfelf in his Ways and Works? Reafon would fay, If Hell and Judgment were before our Eyes, we fhou]d hear and come to Chriit. Suppofe we faw with our Eyes, for twenty or thirty Years _ together, a great Furnace of.Fire, of the ~1antity of the whole Earth, and faw there, Cain, .'fuda.f, A e/:Jit ophet, Saul, and all the Damned ,_. as Lumps of red Fire, and they boyling, and loupin~ for Pain, in a Dungeon ofeverlafting Brirnftone ;- and the b!ack an? terrible D~vils: with long and Jharp .tooth d Whtps _of Scorpwns, lafh jng out Scourges on them; a~d If we faw there ou~ Neighbour~~ Brethren, Stfl:ers ; yea, our dear Children, Wives, F'athers and Mothers, fwimming and finkin!' jn rha~ black Lake; and hrard tht> yelling, ihon<ting, ~rymg of our young Ones and Fathers, blafphe~m -: . mg .• .