Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

to the Right Horiburable, . ·'fl.-, --·~ E I) :LVI UN D Eatle ofMulgrave, Lord . Sheffeild of Butterwi~e. Right lroRourable; . .~ • ~~·· :~· ·T w~s ari excellent fayingof ...l\'"-"""' 11 Lewhof 'BaVJer Emperour . • .: of German,,Hujujmodi com:;., parandcepunt opu~ qu.e ,u;;i naufragio (imul endteni' fucli g~ods ar~ worth gettingand~~~tng-;. as 'Will no~ finke; or waQJ away tf a fhtp;.: wrack happen:> but will wadeai1d fwim otlt with us~ . . Ameditation rievei· more heedful-to . · ~e fiudied and prallifed; then in fqcH Niiufritgio;h times "BS thefe, wherein we have feen the Greate{J Statef irl the A 2 world, , I