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l . 116 Obferv. 2. oG[erv. 3. Obferv. 4· --. ----~--- - cr'he 'Parable of the 2. Th"t when the Churches are Virgin-Churches, the Hypocrites in thofe times will be Evangrlical. Or, The fecret H7pocrites ofpure Churches are Evangelical. 3•. That the;e are certllin fpecial, fav ing qualificatiom of heart, wherely arifeth ll great znternal difference betweenJincere-hearted Virgins and the clofejf Hypocrites. 4· That the Spring or one main principle ofEvangclicalfincerity or hypocrijie it lies in the tmderjfa~ding or mind of man. SECT. II. Obferv. 1 • THat there iJ and will b! a mixtttre of ckfo Hypocriw with the wife-luarted Viroins in the pureft Churches. "' Reaj,I. This I might manife(t out of feveral Scriptures, from feveral times. look bur upon Joji.u tin:e, where there was as great a reformation as under any King beforehtm, 2 Kmg.23.25. Yet 7er.3.IO, & 4-3,4; Loo~ on theAfotlles time, and what apol1acy afterward. The Apol11e complamed of tt, £,very one fukJ their own,Phil.2.2I. ManJwallz.,&c. Phil.3.I8,I9, Whom he couldnotthinkon without tears. The my11ery of iniquity began to work eYen then. Chrilt mani,-. ·felts this by divers Parables, Mat.22.14. Many are c11/led , and fo called as to come in, and fo lit and not to be known, till the lord looks on them. And here the vvife-heartedcouldnotdifcern and keep out,. but open~d the door for the fiye foolil'h. Look as 'tis faid, Job I. 6. Tl:ere rnu a d11J the SonJ ofG•dprefented rhemfelves before the Lord, a1td Satan came in alfo, fo here. I £hall not , do not fpeak ofevery particular Church, but of the flare of the Churches in general. For its polliole there !"(lay be a Philadelphia, a new Jerufalem which comeJ dcwn fum H:a_71en, a GoldenFoUJtdation, -and for a time no ha] norjlubble built HJ'On it: But thts 1s rare, and not ufuall nor general. SECT. III. F Ram Satan ,we ancient enemy of the purity of the Church ; be being an unclean creature himfelf, if he could he would make Heaven it felf unclean; but that is beyond his reach ; hence he feeks to make Heaven on earth unclean ; hence he will get into Paradife, and if he cannot come in rhe lhape of a man, yet in that of a Serpent to beguile and pollute innocency there : He will follow Chrifl: into the wildernelfe , and tempt him there , and hence will fc:ek to get into Churches, to pollute them. And if he cannot pollute the Church by unclean Ordinances, he will then feek to defile it by unclean perfons, Mat.I 3.2 5· The Tares be in Judea like the Whea~, yet indeed annoy the Wheat: And how come they there? They are fown there, i.e. hid for a rime, alild mingled, and die rhere too, Who doth this ? Why the enemy did it, fo that Satan will do it. If there be a Devil in the Church, he will fow his tares. Obj. But we fee him nor. .A.11 f. No, 'rinherefore faid he went llPnty, his care is over now they are fown. Look as•ris the Jefuirs policy at this day, die end of their Order is to raife up the coUapfedruincs of Rome, and to bring all ChriHendom ( andifitbepoffible all the world) ro rhe Hellilh bendage and blind obedience of the See of RGme. Henc~ fo!T)e Kingdomes, becaufe they cannot conquer them by power, they feek to do it by craft ; hence they feek to lay r,heir Leaven and make their parry within, from whom they may have imelligence, and hence they lhall do well ~nough with them: . So Satan feeking the ruine of the Church, feeks to make: his parry wirhin the Ch;\, f-or one of thefe taree ends chiclly. I. Either