Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ten Virgins Opened and Applied. 1 I2) dies, and Sun fers, and darknelre approacherb, and then f-ua-,-~c-:e-nl_y_D_ip-s -in-ro_H_e_ll, >vhere be fees Chrilt aud Saint> afar otf: And what 1mb deceil"ed them? Oh their ! Faith hath deceived tbe,n, to fee Chrift 1!1aking them offas dull: Oh they wii11, , Oh rbar I lud known or kued this before: and will you nor fear now? as for ~ you propbane ones ~lm cmfcoff, and drink, and breakSabb.l[hs; and live idly,yo:;r : ;udgement is writ uron your foreheads : but Oh take heed yo;r th,lt h,we et cared · rhele pollurions, left you decetve your felve; here.. To !11ew y~u rhJt deceit pntj11' cul~rly, ir's nor my_ rime y~t,. bur g0 alone .md rhmk fadly of H, I may. look for , ;ufhficanon by Chnft, ana wm for Chnfi, and yet pm !h. Oh let rr:e be fure I vet !itch a F.1ith as will nor deceive zne here: Should nor a man you will f.1y trult : ~o Chrilt? )e; when you can in rrmh; but thy Truft may be bur Prefumprion. JI. Take not up therefore every Opinion anJ Do&rinc from men, or Angel Ufl , . that bem af.1ir thew 0f advancing Chrilt, for they m.1y be ~ut the fruits of Evan- e -· aelical Hypocrifie and deceit, rh.u bemg deceived thcmfe~es, may d~ceivc:: others ' foo, Mat. 7. I 5. Beware of them th~t come in Sheep! clothing, in the inmancy, purity, ~tnd meck.!tcjfe of Chnft and hts people:, 6ut mwardly are Wolves , proud, cmel, fenforioUJ, fpeakjn~ evil of what they k.!tow not; 6y their fruits you jha/1 , them. Do .wr thinkBelovc::d that Satan will not feek to fend deluf1ons almong us, and do you think tbefe delufions will come our of the Popilh- pac~,vxhofe invemions l"nel above ground here? No, be mull: co:ne,and will comewirh more IEvJngelical fine-fpun devices. It',; a rule obfc::rved amongJefuites auhi·s day, If ·they would conqHer ·).\eligion by fubtilty, never oppofe Religion with a crofT~ Re- ,ligion, butTetitag.linH:itfelf; foopp_ofe theGofp~l by rheGofpel: and look as Churches pleJdrng for Works had new mvenred devtfeq Works ; fo when Faith is pr~ached, men will have their naw invc::mions of F~ith ; I fp~ak not this aoain!t the Doctrine of Faith wbere·tis preached , but am glad of it, nor thar I Y~ould h.~ve men content themfelves with every form of Faith ; for I beleeve dut moO mens Faith needs confirming or trying,but I fpeak to prevent dar.1ger o 1 rh at band. For it was that which Chrift 4id fore-reil, Mat. 2 4· 24. MilfiJ falfo eh• if's {hould ~trife, i.e. fuch as 01ould mifapply Chrift, thJt had a fpiritfor Chnft, which was :a fpirit againft Cbril1, and would deceive if it wm p•fsible the very Elefl; for :coming w.ith Chrilts Spirit, they dare not oppofe them, left rhey oppore the Spirit of Chrilt; the 0'1ly re:nedy is to hold to Chrilts Word, and not to depart one · •hairsbredth from it, Rev. 3· 10. and to a Word well underHood, ' and then difpurenomore. Satan C0!11CS to Eve,and bids her ear, no, God forbid, yet e~t 1 co be like gods; He dazeled her eyes with that which was 11ot: now !11e fell. Take the truth from what the Word faith,and depart not from ir. ' Ill. Here fee rhe dreadful eftate of all them that be found falfe-hearted in the 11~ purefi Churches, and that inthefe tnreerefpecl:s. Je 3· Firft, That they D10uld fo horriblyforfakc:: and blafphemc:: the NameofGod,to mai<e the glorious Gofpel of God, and all the fweet Dodrines ofGr,Ke a cover for their hypociil-e and fin, as indeed iris , for were it nor for this , they might be found our-in their fins , but now they are beyond the <lifcovery of all men , or means. Secondly, That they fhould 6e fo lamentablyforfaken of God, as robe left, I. To the molt (ubtil and fpirima1 Hypocrifie in the world, which bein;; moft crolfe to God, !hall receive moft fierce and fearching wrath. For as Divmes fay ' of Chrift, l·e was forfaken in Soul, becaufe man had finned with his Soul: fo Gods !Wrath will fe.uch ceep in their hearts, Whofe hearts haye guilefully departed from ' ~~~ ' . • ' 2. That hdhould lead them fo far,and yet in chemain for fake rhem; Oh this, 1is heavy wrath, for a man to be lead in the day-light of che Gofpel, almoll to the end of his journey, and atlaft the Sun fets, and he leftto wilder. R 3 Thirdly, In