Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

tenVirgins Opened and Applied. , U9 · --------~--~-~~~~~--~~---1 Faith; the Lord wrought the work, bm hid himfelf: He wondred at the great .---- chancre, was affeCted with his lore, n la!! the Lord Jefus comes hHnfelf, Daft rh01t believe? faith he, Lord who u he? I am kr; then he,worjhippedhim,v.36,37; 38. So 'tis with the Lord in his w•y of 1vorkmg Grace : Oh therefore long to [ea him here in his gla!fe, and in' Glory, in his face fully ! Truly there is no work ofCbrilt that',; right, put it carries the foul ro long for more of ir, aqd eo be with him th.1t h.1th done ir. Many Chriitians when they h.we rhe work,run away with it as a good !ign, · and look to the promife, Oh bur long nor, look nor to behold the Lord! Do re thUI requite the ?ord, Oh Jt foolifh people and U11Wife ? ·were it nor enough that your !ins make?burw!ll you make works & pro~if<!s alfoa partition wall between rheLordand your fouls. I profe!fe the Lord wrll fire fuch work about your cares , and drie up all your pirs, rhar you may Ion!$ for to drink out of the Well of life it felf. And 'tis ablack mark ofUnbelief that !hall keep theefromre!l, H•b+3,ro,rr. Ohburwhenyoulon<>tofeehim, OhwhenfhaH I appear hefora God! Pfal.63._2,3,4· The:-~the Lordwill fill thee•. As Leaden , Rings I:Vith a P~arle, fo Promrfes and Chnft pur cogether (not drvrded ) are exceec\rng precwus. . . 3. Do i1or look eo fee rhe work or promife yours, nor receive any confolarion from eirher, unle!fe rh<! ~ord appeJrin both,Joh~ .xo.r6. T~eJ fh"ilhiar '"l voice; for fo moll: men bnng home Humane, nor Drvmeconfolauon from a work. But Oh fetch it you from Hewen ! as in Peters redemption, AEls r l. You reafan, ~nd or hers tell you, and yet you are full of fears and doubts; and thou crieft, Lord perfwade me, Lord perfwade me, yea, hold you here, now yoo are where you ought for to be. Do yoLJ think Chri!l: is filled with Grace and Life for you, and not with Cqnfol~rion for you too? Only ufe means, and fo look up to him. ' SECT. v. I OH therefore contet't nor yotit felves With any hopes your ellate is right, un· ur. 6 ). til you find ~his difference, f0r the Lord fpeaks peace only to his people, 1 ' and hi.s peJpki are ditferenced from all others. Hence how can you fay peace is yours, till this be cleared up unto you? . I !hall fpeak to two (orts ofpeopl(l. . I. Thofe that comenr themfelves with any r.hing that may !l:op and quie~ Con. fcience, any flight work, any poor defires, any hed~e-Fairh , any moral perform.ances, any groundlelfe conjeCtures will ferve their turn. And being full, rhcy CJll hear all Sermons, no wind will !hake them, no fearching, threarning Truths concern them ; they are fo good, that they tl!ink rhc: Lord means not them. Well, Ifay no more to you bnt this, know it that the rime is coming ~hat rhe Lord Jefus wil try you, and examine you to the very .Bran ; and will defcry all thy paint; and op:m all thy lufls and rhou~hrs, and ,thy nakedne!fe, and ihame, and confu!ion !hall befeen'of all the world. II. Thofe rhat conrent rbemfelves with rhe revelation of the Lords love, with. our the !igl)[ of any work, or .not lookin;; to ir. I de!ire rbe Lord to reveal hillifdfabuncTantly more and mon:, to all ,t!lat have rh~ Lord favingly revealed unto them. For this is themifery, Chrill is a hidden thing, and fo is his love: '(er confider, · · ' 1 • 1. God reveals no~ his love r.o any Hypocrite, bur ro his pe9ple, that have a work far beyond them. . · · .z. Than he reHimony ofrhe Spirit dorh nor.malrea man a Chriilian, bur only evzdencerbir. As 'ris the-nature ofawirn~!fe, norro makearhingtoberrue, bor ro clear and evidence it. An~ therefore ·whetherche Spirit in tlie firft or fe- . Tz cond