Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Ohjert. 2. Anfw. Ohje£1.3. Anfw. The '1.) arable of the So in d-e workman{hip of the Eleet, 'ti~ fo. Its_ the Glalfe of Gods reculiar mercy .a':ld love; now rhey rhat never had lt, ~';!?IV tr no~, bur rhe Saims do, by rhe S_ptmeifectally. , Thus far we gram rheSpnrs Tellur.cny, rim irmuHrevealu. III. The Lighr of exrerience and fenfe: For Saims haYc an exferimemall hnowledge of the work of Grace, by venue of I\ htch rhcy come ro know ir as cerr~inly _(as we difpure againfi,rhe P•rifis ) a,s by feel!ng ~ear, we knew fire is hor, by ralhng honey, we know us fweer. Now rhts 1s dJVerily apparent ro exfenence. I. By meditation of the work, in compring ir with rhe Rule, for no dead creature cm rerform one lpiritualliving dt oflife, no nor a gcod thm,ghr, rhoueh they may rhink of good rhings. Now the Lord bath given ro his reople aJT.gfi exaet Rule of life, hence by reediration rhey may fee how far ir agrees or difagrees with rhe Rule, and judge of a living att byir; and fo ofrhe God and Lord of life robe rhere. Hencetrl ;our fel,.·es, kz;owJ·•unot Cbrift_ iJ in you, &c, And hence I never knew yet a thinking ChriHian deceived, and hence I fear all rhar make not rhis their rrade, will be ro feek, and fo ro l:egin again: Oh rhe Lord reacherb his reople bidden myfreries by rhis. 2, By rbe oferation and working of ir, for Grace may be in rhe hearr, and yer lying afleep, and raked up under rhe afhes, nor feen, nor felr, bm in rte Oferarion ofir, ir may, which is feculiaras rheform is. For how do we know we love er delight in any creature ? By the Oferarion of love and delighr. How did I Chrifi manifeft to rhe PharifeC!s rhar tf.ey \Yere •f their F atlmf.e Dtvil?Why l:is lujls t~e; wouldd.5.o how ca!l any_ ~ell he ~nowsrhe Lord,or loves rhe Lord, or b.:- leeves m rheLord!The operanon dt!covers It ,JIImes2,22.And henc~,Gal.5 .6.Faith 1 1 which.w•rk! hJ Love. And rhough hypocrites a cl: like them, yet rhere is arecllliar Yerruein rheonerhar is not in rhe orher. 3. By rheir.remprarions and trials, Deur.8 .2. The led theefmy ye us teprovetheeandfhnvthee wh11tWM in thy hem. Rom·5·4>5· Tribulation breeds ! expm'ence, and that hope or expeetarion of rhar which fhall nevcr make us a!hamed. /Ile name no more, But look as we faid ro rhcm rl1at cried our againfi Prayer vvirhour a Book, we anfwer, Harh a man dwelt in his own heart fo many years, and not known his wants , to make him pray? nor the Lords work of mercy, ro make him blelfe, fo here. 2, Bur if aman looks ro his work, this will interrupt and break his feace. I. Ir may and dorh break and inrerrupt afalfe pe2ce; as many fay, yenhey rrult in rhe Lords mercy, Oh 'ris a prefumptuous peace. 2. Negleet of rhis yields moll unpeaceablenelfe, even in them that are fincere, You haYe peace, and rb!!n break our into pride and palf:on again ; rl·en quellion all. Tl::eSpirit will figh, not ling in rhar bofom, Pfal.p.x,z,3 . [udg.I6.ze. Neirl·er can l ou avoid rbe condemnation ofd:e Word, though you maintain confolation from rb.e Spirit, nor fufpirion ofhypocrifie. , 3· This is rbeway ropeace, 2 Pet.I,7,8,9. Mnt.I 1.29,3o. Chri!lsy•~u eaji'e and yields peace, in life and afrer life roo, Rev.14.1 3· Thtir work!f#ll$ tf.4m: So ·rbat hereby comes double peace and reft. 1. From horrour. , 2, From fin, which is wonderful great. \ 3. But I!ook to Chril1:, I look to no work. Jfi have him, I have all. True, Fii-H look ro haYe him, ro be comprehended by him, rhat fo you may comprehend him. But becaufe you look for aU in ~ will you look for no~ rbing from him? Will you have Chrifi fit inHeaven, and nor look rhat l)e fub.: dueyourlu(!s by thework of his Grace, andfofway-in your hearrs? You defpife his Ki11gdom then. Do you fcek for pardon in the Blood of Chrifi,and never look for tte venue and end of that Blood to wafh you,&: make you without fpot,&c?Y ou defpife